Hello Everyone!
It's another Wednesday.
I don't have any thought provoking question this week. I know last night I really needed a hug and I was fortunate enough to have very supportive friends and family I could chat with.
I know we all have our own challenges right now. So I thought today I would simply offer a virtual hug to whoever needs it! If things are going rough, just know that there are people here to help and it will get better!
Have a great week everyone!
To all of our new users to the Atlassian Community, Welcome! @Dimitris Kyparissis (gmail) frederik.dudel@qed.de @George Assimenos @[deleted] @Imagine Sdn Bhd Administrator @Inki Kim @Ivan Tomic @Jade Ho-Lin @Johan Wolfhagen @[deleted] @Luciano José Kogut @Mary Omond @Mike C4 @Nick Zaiser @Ofir Adany @Principal @Ram @Roland Smith (Roly) @Thejasree @Tiina Järvinen @zach @Zachary Cook @Ahmed Siouani @Alina Velasquez @Allen Salazar @antonio @Brian Pham @Chalee Fongamornkul @Citroen Wells @Deana Fajen @Deepak Katariya @Gabriel Tabilo @Hector Hood @Ivan Gerasin @Mert Düden
To all of our new users to the Atlassian Community, Welcome! @Pavel Mráz @Ramon Salinas @Richard Haven @Shivatma Bhakta Dasa @한태훈 @Toby Spurrell @Verca Binarova @Allyson Prolisko @Asha Natesh @Bohdan Lytvynov @christian.rodriguez @Jamie Adler @Martin Laird @Metecan KALAYCI @Natalie Howell @utopicide @ajit kumar @Akshay_miniOrange @Murilo Bianchin @Mykola Korsikov @Paige Viehweg @srivenkatbabu sinnasami @affiong bassey @Anna Bartczak @Jesse Johnson @Sanskruti Khandelwal @Luis Britton @Marcus Spicer @Natalya Vladimirova @AliAkbar Sherkat @indrasenareddy
Couldn't be better timing today, @Jimmy Seddon
I could use a virtual hug.
Trying to order an entree from an Chinese restaurant without rice, but apparently the restaurant doesn't offer such a choice via their website. Selecting "beef and broccoli" brings up a pop-up with "what rice would you like?"
I could take the free rice, but I have two huge bins of leftover rice in my fridge already... 😜
Sounds like you need to make some Arroz Con Leche or some rice pudding to me!! Then you could even drop it off with a neighbor to bless their day. :-)
Kinda wishing I was your neighbor right now lol
@John Funk - you don't want me in the kitchen. If you had me boil water, I'd probably figure out a way to burn down the house
Don't we all need one once in a while..
next time just reach out on Slack and happy to talk if you need someone to listen!
Thank you very much, a hug always feels good, no matter the moment
A hug for you too
!Thanks a lot! It's good to be part of the community
Omg @Jimmy Seddon I love this prompt! 🎉✨👏🏼 With all the zoom burnout and yearning to be out and about in the world (but can't) this is definitely what I needed today
Hugs all round!! But virtual of course!
The most difficult thing about this whole pandemic (and I'm aware that for some people this will be quite minor) has been not hugging my mum. I can't wait until I'm allowed to hug all the family again.
Always just a slack message away if anyone does need to talk
Very appropriate in these C R A Z Y Covid times! I sorely miss the human touch/interactions, doing all this work from home. One day, things will open up again. Until then:
Haha @Jimmy Seddon I needed this last night when I couldn't figure out my node.js app
Hugs to all our Community members!! I give extra hugs to our leaders @Dave Liao @Clark Everson for being the driving force behind our crew of Enterprise content developers!!
@Jimmy Seddon Nice post, very warm. We need this during this covid time!!
Those are awesome @Kat Warner That said, sometime one gets feeling like taking the COVID chances for the Real Thing.
Thanks @Jimmy Seddon ! I think we all really need these hugs from our near and dear ones, during these tough times created by COVID-19. And I believe, our kids need them more from us when they are also blocked in their rooms for remote learning and not able to meet with their friends frequently these days.
Thank you for amazing topic @Jimmy Seddon . Right today I was thining how I'm happy when I come home from my office and my sons run to me to hug me... I'm so happy man :)
There's nothing on earth like the patter of little feet and screams of "Daddy's home!!" to make one completely forget anything else that happened that day.
Thank you @Jimmy Seddon for the prompt and @Martin Bayer _MoroSystems_ s_r_o__ for bringing back some heart-warming memories!
Here's one more hug! Thanks for starting this thread, @Jimmy Seddon -- it definitely brightened my day as well!
Thank you @Jimmy Seddon ! Some days I want post a message about how much I love all my fellow community members but think, "No, Rachel, people will think you are weird...please log off of Slack immediately." So, maybe it's appropriate in this thread instead. :)
I love you all! Being a member of the Atlassian Community is so important to me. There's nothing like it and you couldn't duplicate what we have here with a million dollars.
Thank you for this - it sometimes is just the little things that help us power through.