Happy Wednesday Everyone!
Here in Canada (and also the US) it's Groundhog Day. Two important things happen today:
1. A superstitious myth that a groundhog will be able to predict if we will have a shorter or longer winter based on if it sees it's shadow first thing in the morning.
2. A long standing tradition of watching the Groundhog Day movie staring Bill Murray.
The way things go, if the groundhog sees it's shadow it will hide underground and we will see 6 more weeks of winter.
My question for all of you this week is: Are you tired of Winter and ready for Spring? Or would you prefer to hang on to winter for another 6 weeks?
Personally, I'm not a fan of winter (I know I live in the wrong part of the world to make that statement). Right now, we have just received a nice layer of freezing rain which has made it impossible to walk the dogs due to the black ice. I will be more than happy to see the spring time come as soon as possible.
How about the rest of you? and for those of you on the southern hemisphere, are you trying to hang on to summer as long as you can? or are you looking forward to winter again?
Have a great rest of the week everyone!
@Thorhalla Gudmundsdottir Beck if that was want winter was like for me. I could get behind liking winter. So far this year we have seen it hover between +5 and -10 meaning there is a constant mess of slush and frozen tire tracks. Then it will randomly for a week or so drop to -32 (with wind chill) and today we are back to +2 but expect 20 cm of snow later.
Yikes! Those are some big swings! O.o
Wait! What?!?! What's this "superstitious myth" stuff? You can't believe everything you read on the Internet, @Jimmy Seddon
Ok @Dave Rosenlund _Trundl_ let me qualify my thinking here:
if the groundhog *SEES* it's shadow there will be 6 more weeks of winter. In order for that to happy it has to be pleasant enough for the sun to be shining.
If the groundhog *DOESN'T SEE* it's shadow implying it is at least clouded over (if not worse) then spring is around the corner.
I feel like the logic in this is reversed, there for I call it a "superstitious myth" ;)
I see your thinking now, @Jimmy Seddon. I mistakenly thought you were questioning the science behind the prediction 😉
I live in the southern US, and I am always tired of winter. 🙂
At least the cold. I enjoy seeing the snow every now and then. But not the cold!
Not much winter here in Arizona. I'm OK either way.
But I could stand to watch the Bill Murray movie again :)
Winter here in the Boston area has been mostly tame on the whole, so far. The river behind our house has only frozen over enough for skating only briefly this year. 🙁
I'm planning to go north for the weekend soon for some real winter fun, so I guess I'm not ready for winter to end yet.
I generally love winter.
I grew up playing a winter sport - ice hockey.
I enjoy walking in the snow.
It’s always easier to put layers on to stay warm than to take layers off to cool down.
Winter nights are crisp and clear.
The Winter Olympics are far superior to their Summer Sister.
But I live in NYC and somehow the NYC government forgot how to plan for clearing snow. There is nothing worse than three day old piles of dirty, hard snow that a plow never came to remove. My foyer is a combination of mud, salt, shoes and boots. It’s enough to drive a man insane.
So, due to geopolitical angst, I really hope that Phil comes out of his hole this morning and declares SPRING FOR ALL! At least I’ll be able to start cycling outdoors instead of in the pain cave…
I enjoy winter and I'm hoping to go snowboarding sometime this winter. I'm all for another 6 weeks of winter!
Thanks for this post, @Jimmy Seddon !
Personally, I am a fan of all seasons as each season has its own benefits and beauty.
Though I like the while layers of snow in winters, but I do not like when it is too windy or chilly outside in Winter that one cannot enjoy snow. In my hometown in US, I am currently facing too much low temperatures without snow that I am not liking it anymore.
So, I have more inclination towards Spring season, when we can at least go outside and enjoy a lot more things that the mother nature has to offer.
In Summer season, I love outings to beaches or lakes but I don't like the days with too high temperatures, especially when it is humid outside.
(I know I live in the wrong part of the world to make that statement).
I can't wait for spring to arrive in Holland... which is normally a week before summer arrives, which in itself is a week before autumn arrives and before you know it. Sh^^ winter starts all over again.
Hah hah!!
And if people love Groundhog Day and haven't seen Palm Springs yet... that is a MUST watch! It's crazy good...
I personally miss living in the US and would move back in a heart beat, or Canada. I love winter and the snow. Cold is the way to go. I now live back in Australia, and I do not like the Summer anymore (not that we really had a summer here in Oz this year), unless I'm at the beach (which is 2+ hours away). I love the colours of the seasons in the northern hemisphere.