Happy Wednesday Everyone!
My 4 year old found a bin of my old toys from when I was around his age.
Ranging from Ninja Turtles to Transformers and a collection of other things in between. It was great to see him having fun with them after all these years since I was playing with them.
What was your favorite toy(s) growing up. For me, I think my transformers were one of my favorites. They were both Robots and cars and it was fascinating to be able to change them from one into the other.
Let me know some of your favorites in the comments below.
Have a great rest of the week!
Totally dating myself here, but I remember having a ball with Kenner's SSP Smash-Up Derby cars... Used to run them into the refrigerator.
Everyone is going to win when they say "Lego"
Although I did love my grandfather's Meccano set (I still have that) and my uncle's train set (he still has that)
I remember the old Meccano set that someone older than me had before me.
For me I had a bunch of Ninja turtles, rambo and Gi Joe toys. But my favourite one was the 5 lions for Voltron where you could put them together to form the big robot.
Lincoln Logs & Matchbox + Hot Wheels Cars but we were outside more often than not, playing street (driveway) hockey or riding our bikes (everywhere/endlessly).
Come to think of it I used to mess up my bikes a lot by riding them on trails, in the woods, before we had "mountain bikes" and "trail bikes." I still prefer trail riding over the streets to this day.
Don't have it anymore... but something like this.
I can't remember any specific toys like that. There were some Duplos from when I was little, my Stiga sled, but otherwise all I can remember are wood bits and nails, sand piles and rain creeks in the road, barns and hay bales, mud pies, puff balls and sheep. :p
Stiga sleðinn var flottur!
Bestur! Sérstaklega ef það var nógur snjór og maður gat rennt sér ofan úr fjalli og niður í fjöru! :D
Thanks for this post @Jimmy Seddon ! I share the same feeling which is amazing when you see your young ones playing with the same toys that you used to love and play with.
Though I have moved from India to US around 8 years ago leaving all my stuff behind, but thanks to my parents who brought my favorite toy car to me on their recent visit to US.
My 7 year daughter liked that so much and was so excited to know that I used to play with that car in my childhood. She has kept that in her collection of toys.
And, it is an amazing feeling for me.
Apart from toy cars, I was fond of toy guns, carrom board, music instruments as well.
Toys? We were too poor for toys. 🤣
Early days - probably my Tonka earth crane
Elementary school - slot car track HO
And my favorite Sears banana seat bicycle…
These bananaset bikes were cool!