Happy Wednesday Everyone!
In case you have missed the recent announcements, registration for Team 2022 is now open!
Obviously, you can register to attend in person or remotely for the digital experience.
However, new this year, there is also a "Global Viewing Party" option. Where there will be seven locations around the world that will be hosting smaller in-person events that will be watching the sessions streamed live from Vegas.
You can check out the options here: https://events.atlassian.com/team22/attend
My question for you this week is:
Are you planning to tune in or attend Team 2022? And, what if you are, what are you most excited about?
Personally, I'm planning to attend in person at Vegas!
*(provided between now and the time the event will be happening the US border doesn't close to international travelers).
I'm really looking forward to two things:
I'd love to hear from all of you! What are your plans? Remote? In-person? Something else?
Let me know in the comments!
Have a great rest of the week!
A big welcome to all of the new members to the community this week! Thank you for joining!
@Bill DeGan @Caoimhin Caldwell @Dan Bender @Diogo Ribeiro @i_Poise Design @Ignazio @Jarek Piotrowiak @Joanna Ng @jonnycollett @Kate McGowan @Katy Wynne @kmichelle.adler @Lucas Oliveira de Moura @m1key3 @[deleted] @Nadeem_Hassan @NISARG SONI @Omar Jouda @Praveen MG @René Boshuizen @Repano Dveb @Ricardo Sandoval Pérez @Rodolfo Amelong @Sally Sattary @Siang Poh Chua @Siva @Timothy Chen @Vlad Griguta @walt adams @Yael Gur @민홍준(Ayden)/사용자이해팀/Dreamus @CAPrint AG @Daria @DmitryD @Jay Pfeifer @L. Pavljuk @Marcel Rocha @Yellamla Akhil Reddy @ymkj @zhongliwen @леша березин @Adrian Page @Alana Forrest @Alessandro Portela Cristiano @alexander gogun @Andrew Hodson @Anne Marie Kupferer @SnappyRun, LLC. @Bernice Garritson @Bruce Tran
A big welcome to all of the new members to the community this week! Thank you for joining!
@Cartier Antoine @Daniel @Daniel Haas @Daniel Kaliner @Darren Teo @David @David Ham @[deleted] @Dean Kuyper @Devin Lyons @Dom Malgieri @Dominik Roos @Dogucan Baskın @Elfi-Annabelle Tolle @Erik Brandt @evanmoore888 @Fefe @Gianni Greene @gudla vinod kumar @Gurjit sidhu @Hristo Valkanov @[deleted] @Jaina Chavda @Javier Perez @Jorge Castillo @Kaleef Lloyd @Keita ATTICOT @Keith Belitrand @kinja-devangles @lokesh.surage @Lorenzo De Angelis @Luke Murray @LvnMY @Mac @Maria Bobrova @Maria Enge @Mariola Chędoga @Markus Oberndörfer @martina.creaven @Matt Hixson @mbiondi @Melissa Rose @Michael Hammer @Midhun @mojtaba beheshtian @Míriam Pérez @Nagihan Aydınlık @Natalya Karabelska @Nirav Dave @Padmakumar Rajan
A big welcome to all of the new members to the community this week! Thank you for joining!
@Pascal Raabe @Pietro Marino @pranab_bhatta @Quinten De Blust @Rachel Guidry @Ralph Bolton @Ramya Arvind @Revathi Nukala @Ricardo Navarro @Richard Hosier @romina.rossi @Rubens Silva @Ryan Gibbons @Ryan McGinty @SCollins @Shiho @Sundry Coder @Tarah Sawyer @Versified Technology @Vinod Mayur @VIOREL MORAVIT @Walter Davies @Wendy Walton @wwalker @Yogev Finegouz @Yonder Alexander Perez Lucena @yudi @Zhehan.Zhang @Łukasz @АндрейУмников @Марина @Davetta Vaughn @e b @Aaron Freedman @Abdulrahman Alyahya @abhishek Mittal @Abineshwari Mariappan @Abiy Kaltiso @Abraham @adam.bauer @AdamN @Adeniyi Taiwo @AJMaxwell @akahomhen Samson @Akshay @Alberto Hernández @Aleks @Aleksei Ermak @Aleksey @Alena
A big welcome to all of the new members to the community this week! Thank you for joining!
@Alex Cave @alex.cormier @Alfred Lombardi @amaes @Amy G Allee @Anastasia @Andy @Angelica Alzona @[deleted] @April Lee @armcaelria @Ashton Danks @Asrar @Baba.Ojo @Blair Ensinger @Brands For less Dubai @Brenda Yee @Brian Crockett @bulumko @c @Caitlin Barahimi @Caitlin Mulkerin @CAPCO Self Storage @Carol Sexton @Cata Vassalo @Chanda Mundil @Chetan Karadi @Chris Lebeau @Christian Fink @Cloud Account @Cristian @Cucinella @Cæcilie Morild @Dale Smith @Dana Hembroff @Danijel-James Wynyard @Dave Temple @David Butler @David Read @Davit Kobiashvili @Deepti Limaye @Delicious Design @demp_project_test @Dennis Ronald Shepley @Diksha @Dmitry @Doug Matthews @Dragan Vucanovic @Drew C @Ehsan Azimi
A big welcome to all of the new members to the community this week! Thank you for joining!
@Elijah Lopez @Ellen Hora @Ellie Farr @Emma watson @enrichsalon @Eric Davis @erin_fowler @Ernest Aliche escalation.support@mx.com @Gene Lee @Evelyn Kim @f_rosito @Fabian Zihlmann @Felix Khoja @Fethia Yezid @Finn Faiz @Fiona Lesly Thi @Fixl Solutions @franciscofilho @François-Xavier Orban de Xivry @Gabriel Langaret Perso @Gabriel Maranon @GCP Acc @Gene Davis III @Gorlo Vasiliy Vladimirovich @Greg Young @Habass Lawal @Hans Heising @Haoxun Zhang @Iraj Talukdar @Ismail Mohamed J@ymz639908 @JAcek Ok @Jacob Bryant @James Blair Towe @Jan Polesch @janos @Jesse Wilson @jiangyawen @Jocelyn Cruz @John Hilgedick @Jolanda Dop-Habraken @Jonathan Oreste Maruca @José Luis Carrasco @JP Feve @JudithDilorenzo @Kaina Roque @Kamal Osman @Karen Fisher @Kate
A big welcome to all of the new members to the community this week! Thank you for joining!
@Kathryn Moore @Kathy Yu @Kay Rhodes @Kelly Gardner @kelsey @Kert Uppin @Kevin Munoz @Khurram Tariq @Klaus Imfeld @KM @Krzysztof Tomczyk @Sarath ande @Kyle Bisley @Kyle Shepard @lahari vinjanampati @Laura Needham @Leah Olafson @Lee Joyce @Lennert Raes @Lewy, Leah @Liam Kirby @Linda Bendixen @lins llp @Loh Phay Key @Manuel Ritter @Marc Kroon Rasmussen @marina.pires @Mariya Ivanova @Mark Morga @Markus Fischbeck @Marta Rogalinska @Martin Stengård @Matthew Hutchinson @Melanie_Warner @Melinda Krebs @MG @michael_rarela @Michaela Peirce @Michał Łątkowski @Mikaela Hicks @Mike Jansen @Milou.nijskens @Mirco De Pellegrin @Monika Rawat @Naama Arbili @Nadia Chylak @Neal Ryan Cruickshank @Neringa Baniūnė @Nguyen Anh Tien @Nicki D
A big welcome to all of the new members to the community this week! Thank you for joining!
@Noah Adams @[deleted] @ofek josef @Ogburn, Dustin @Pablo Luis Santiso del Valle @Padma Kothakota @Patricia Mello @patrick @Paul Angelo @Penpitcha Wanglavan @Peter McIntyre @Petter Wolff @Philip Lusher @Pranali Dharme @Prateek Gupta @prod stiwa @Protea @Palak Porwal @Pål-Amund Johansen-Paule @Radonirina RAJAONARIVELO @Rae Pambid @Ramesh Monika @Ramya.Mariyala @Resa Adnan Maulana @Reshman @Robert K Croft @Rohit Garg @Ron Hill @Ross Brook @Ruddy Oreb @RVVR @SABARI SABARI @Sam Cruz @Sasko Moraliev @Seth Bradford Wagenman @Shailendra Thakur @Shani Michaeli @Sharnee @Shaumik @Shiva @Shona @Shreya @shunt @sj @Soren Riis-Vestergaard @Stavros @Stefan Franecki @[deleted] @Sumbul Tahir @SuperGreen
A big welcome to all of the new members to the community this week! Thank you for joining!
@SUSHEEL JALALI @Sylvia Choe @Teneille Properties Inc @Tharshini Netpoleon @Timothy A. Naisbett @TNTworks @Tomas Caraccia @Trond Meistad @Tunahan Aydin @Tushar Patel @Umerfarooq @Vahe Akapian @Valeria Antunez @vanierf @Venkat Patchigolla @vglglobal @Victoria Jackson @Vijay Pasricha @Vinz @Walerija @Waseem Guri @William Creighton @Woodfin Ligon @zachegwood @Натали @Павел Буев @เสกสรร คำแสน @최지수 @Biddie Bos @[deleted]
And yes! For anyone who is counting we are welcoming a MASSIVE 430 new members this week!
Wohoooo! 🤩🤩🤩🤩
I am planning on being there in person!
This will be my second in person event, but my first as a Community Leader.
Looking forward to meeting other Leaders in person for the first time.
I'm in the exact same boat John! I know what to expect from an in person Atlassian event (or so I think), but I'm curious to see if it's any different from a Community Leader perspective.
I plan to be there in person. This will be my 6th Summit/Team event — but my first as an Atlassian Community Leader.
I'm really looking forward to catching up with my Atlassian ecosystem friends and acquaintances, meeting those I have only met online, and making new ones!
Honestly, there are very few things that would ever get me excited to visit Las Vegas (again) 😉 — but this is surely one of them.
LOL! I will admit that I don't do a lot of travelling so Vegas has now become one location that I will have travelled to more than once and there aren't many on that list.
Sadly, I've been to Vegas way more times than any other place that requires me to get on an airplane.
All but one of them were for trade shows. The other was bc we used Vegas as a start/end point for a trip to the Grand Canyon (left/returned from/to the airport without stepping foot in any casinos — oh wait, what am I saying, the airport IS really a casino, too).
I'd love to be there in person; unfortunately, it won't be possible anymore, so I'll be attending Atlassian Team Event Remote.
However, I feel over-enthusiastic to spend time and watch streamed live from Vegas and to see if Dom Price will be there.
I wish a fantastic event for you and all of the people in person in Vegas; enjoy it for us! 😃
@Patrícia Fortunato Montenegro it's too bad you won't be there in person but I hope the digital experience is just as enjoyable for you!
I hope I enjoyed the digital experience too.
And yes, unfortunately, when our Company went to buy the tickets, we only could buy two tickets because they sold in a less quantity (Covid restrictions).
It would be incredible to be there, but let's try next year! 😃 🙏🏽
I'm signed up to attend virtual!
@Kristin Lyons my same sentiments as I mentioned to Patricia! I hope you find the digital experience to be just as good if not better than it has in the past couple of years.
I'm so excited to go! This will be my first in-person Summit as part of the Gliffy team. :)
That's awesome! My best advice for a first-timer is make use of the mobile app! It was my best friend for finding people to hang out with and learning what fun things were happening.
A very BIG X2 on the mobile app, @Samie Kaufman - Your Gal at Gliffy.
Hint: It's a great way for marketplace partners to identify which customers are in attendance and (hopefully) connect with them for product feedback, etc.
Thanks for looking out @Jimmy Seddon @Dave Rosenlund _Trundl_ !!! Will make sure it's in my pocket!
How I'm feeling about attending...
LOL! You'll have a great time!
I initially had issues with registration and was blocked... but now: YES. I am coming!!
I have not yet worked out what I am most looking forward to though. TBC
During Team '2021, I was planning to Team' 2022 in-person, but due to some unforeseen reasons, I will still not be attending it in-person and so, I signed up for the digital experience.
Even if I am attending Team '22 digitally, I am still very excited and looking forward to e-meet my new friends/fellow community leaders/Atlassian team members from the Atlassian ecosystem.
Hoping for a great Team '22 experience!
@Jeremy Lynde : VENETIAN! 🏰 🎰