Hello everyone,
I am new to Confluence. I've recently started working on editing existing articles and am learning how to use the platform. I found this community after doing A LOT of searches trying to resolve issues I was having with numbered lists containing inserted images. It seem I am not alone in that frustration. I found a workaround that is helping for now. I will stay tuned to the group for editing tips and updates.
Welcome, @Rebecca Kornblum
I am interested in what you think of Editor in Confluence.
What kind of content are you editing?
Mysslf, with some extra tree time, I'm considering whether to try a collaborative memorial wiki and playbook for my best mate, who has a huge legacy and lost of warm memories from friends.
It's probably massive overkill to use confluence instead of Google tools, so I'm going to work out what issues / memories / trivia / laughs our group wants to flesh out and what my mates' widow. Mother and friends would love most.
@Rebecca Kornblum We're glad you're here! Definitely check out the Confluence section, as well as threads like Friday Fun and "Three Things," where people share what they wish they had known in their first few weeks here.
Welcome to the Community @Rebecca Kornblum ! If you're new to Confluence but you use Jira already you should check the integration between both of them (e.g. you can select text in a confluence page and create JIRA issue from that page, or you can select a whole table and create a list of tickets simultaneously). It's one of my favorite features! I hope you have fun sharing and learning.