My name is Collista and I am the Atlassian Product Manager for the Department of Technology Services for the largest school district in the state of Colorado. I fell into my role completely by accident. Turns out having a passion for learning and the inability to accept no for answer when I really want something is a pretty good trait when someone needs someone to manage their new program. :)
I am currently working on cleaning up the system that ran unrestrained for several years prior to my arrival. Too many admins created nothing short of a swamp for me to wade through. Also working on developing standards of use for both products within our department.
Are there any other school districts using these products?
@Collista Lewingdon not working with a school district but I can certainly sympathize with you on your situation.
Are you looking for some advice on what to do or where to start? I think your situation is universal to site and org admins everywhere regardless of the environment.
Anyway, just ask if you can't find it in the community or documentation. Get as much training as you can afford or get the district to pay for. I'll see if I can find a link I recently found regarding maintaining your site.
Thank you for responding. I really have done a good job cleaning up the mess and putting into place some standards for usage. I really made this post cause I am trying to up my kudos points. :)
Hi @Collista Lewingdon , welcome! I don't know about school districts but in the UK, where I used to live, Atlassian products were used in the higher education / university setting. I think you will find lots of people here who would be happy to help you anyway, whether they are in the same industry or not.
Good luck and let us know how you get on. :)