Happy Wednesday Everyone!
Recently, I shared my thoughts about the idea of returning to the office. As you can see, I have my reservations, but as with everything, I will reserve judgement until all the cards are on the table. I’m know that a number of you are probably already back to the office and a number of you are still working remotely.
So, I have a three part question for you this week:
What is your current work setup? In Office | Hybrid | Remote
Is this your preferred way to work? Yes | No
I’ll kick things off:
I’m currently working remotely, but should I need to go into the office, I’ll be in a hybrid setup.
I would very much prefer to stay working 100% remotely.
The main reasons for this is because I will have a 40 minute commute to the office which would leave my wife 100% responsible for the kids in the morning (in fact I would need to leave the house before they are even awake). Should there be an issue during the day, I’m not in a great position to be able to come pick up the kids from school/daycare. Finally, I will need to leave quite early in the afternoon to pickup the kids, which would limit the overall amount of in person collaboration time I’m actually available for.
I’d love to hear about your own work situation in the comments below.
Have a great rest of the week!
Jimmy Seddon
Sr R&D Tools Administrator
Arctic Wolf
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
181 accepted answers