Good morning community ☀️,
another week another roundup of the Atlassian news. This week we're going to look at a newly published State of Teams report, New Data residency - Germany, Automation for Jira in Data Centre, and more.
Oh and if you would like to get a Monday Coffee mug check out the last link in the list 👀
We run Monday coffee with Jexo podcast weekly on Youtube and Spotify, subscribe so you don't miss the next episode!
The Atlassian team announced the launch of a new data residency location option - Germany. You can now select to host your data in the USA, Europe, Australia, and Germany. The next location options will be the UK, Japan, and Canada later this year.
Automation for Jira in Data Centre 5.0
Automation for Jira feature is now native in Jira Data Center version 5.0 and up. This is big news not only for DC users where using the plugin version but also for new users that might not have been acquainted with automation capabilities inside Jira.
Atlassian published the state of teams reports for this year! Atlassian interviewed over 1700 knowledge workers to learn about their workplace.
It's the season for powerful partnerships and Appfire is at the forefront with another exciting acquisition, this time striking a deal with, the popular partner providing productivity and collaboration solutions for Slack and Microsoft Teams.
Find this week's events on 👉 Events roundup
📚 Article of the week
Chief vibes officer is a new fun role in the team that rotates every week. The person who's CVO that week declares and maintains the vibe to bring the team closer and keep them in tune. But how do they do that? Read the article to learn more.
We're running the weekly Atlassian news roundup for almost 2 years now and we're eager to hear what you think so we can improve.
☕ We're going to send a special edition Monday Coffee mug to the first 10 of you who fill out the form 👉 Feedback form
Nikki Zavadska _Appfire_
Lead Product Manager
29 accepted answers