It's Thursday!
In Iceland, the earliest one can get a drivers license for a car is 17 years old. I couldn't wait to get my drivers license! I had been working every summer and Christmas break since I was 11 years old to save up for a car. In the end, my mom and I bought the car together. Brand new 1987 Toyota Corolla, similar to this one in the picture below except it was a 4 door, steel gray.
I put SO many km on it, it was crazy. Used up the front tires in two months so I rotated them to the back. And I was almost always the designated driver because I offered to be. I just loved to drive and I really liked that snazzy car :) Washing and waxing... so much fun!
So, what was the first car you bought?
Make it a great Thursday!
Kristján Geir Mathiesen
Enterprise Atlassian Administrator
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