It's Thursday!
Okay, this is a strange one, I know 🙂 But when I was vacuuming the stairs earlier, I all of sudden got this memory flash from when I was about 6-8 years old. I lived at Suðurgata 23, in Hafnarfjörður, and I loved playing with cars (like Matchbox cars, etc).
My siblings used to collect the Coke bottle tops and give to me. I would make streets with them. In this house, the stairs have a landing in the middle of them. I sometimes played there. Sometimes, I used to sit in one stair and then play with my cars 1 or 2 stairs higher. Man, fun memories and fun when they just spring into your mind from "nowhere"! I didn't find a picture of me playing with cars but here I am playing with Action-man :)
So for the random #TBT question of the week, what memories do you have about stairs?
Let’s make it a great Thursday!