Throwback Thursday: What memories do you have about stairs? #TBT

It's Thursday!
Okay, this is a strange one, I know 🙂 But when I was vacuuming the stairs earlier, I all of sudden got this memory flash from when I was about 6-8 years old. I lived at Suðurgata 23, in Hafnarfjörður, and I loved playing with cars (like Matchbox cars, etc).
My siblings used to collect the Coke bottle tops and give to me. I would make streets with them. In this house, the stairs have a landing in the middle of them. I sometimes played there. Sometimes, I used to sit in one stair and then play with my cars 1 or 2 stairs higher. Man, fun memories and fun when they just spring into your mind from "nowhere"! I didn't find a picture of me playing with cars but here I am playing with Action-man :)
So for the random #TBT question of the week, what memories do you have about stairs?
Let’s make it a great Thursday!



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Dan Breyen
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March 9, 2023

You have to talk about slinkys if you're talking about stairs! Slinky.jpg

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March 9, 2023

Old Memories. 

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Andy Gladstone
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March 9, 2023

I grew up in a split level ranch on Long Island. Typical 70's construction for the suburbs. There were 6 steps from the main floor to the 'upstairs' and 5 steps from the main floor 'downstairs'. I have two vivid memories of the stairs in may parents home.

  1. The day I was big enough to jump from the top step to the main floor. It felt like flying. I was probably 8 or 9 years old, and the feeling was exhilarating. Although the entire house would shake with the impact and my mother did NOT appreciate that. Every few days she was rearranging the pictures that were on the wall along the staircase. Soon I was not allowed to jump at all - except when my mother was not home.
  2. Speaking of pictures, that wall was an array of each year's family pictures. On the day of my father's 40th surprise party my mother knocked in to one and it fell on her foot and the glass cut her pretty bad. I always knew my Mom was tough, but she refused to ruin the surprise and called a family friend that was a doctor to come over, stitch her up and bandage her so she could finish up the preparations. After that we re-secured all of those picture frames.

Thanks for the trio down (or up - which way do stairs go 🤔) memory lane!

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March 9, 2023

I had similar memory. But in my school days, I used to jump from the stairs but at some point I got caught my the school management and they didn't like it. :D

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Dave Mathijs
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March 9, 2023

The only "stairs" memory I have is - as a child - tumbling down in a multiple head roll from the stairs at my grandparents house. My parents' home is a bungalow so only floor level.

And now that you mention the word: Watching The Staircase on Netflix

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Amanda Barber
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March 9, 2023

The best stair memories are definitely with the old, perfectly weighted, metal slinkies! (The newer ones just don't cut it!)

stairs sam cannon GIF

As an adult, I really love memories of my husband's aunt and uncle's home - they have this beautiful staircase with family photos all the way up. It's been fun to go out and visit over the years and I'm grateful to have met them and spend time with them even though they're across the US from us! 

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Joseph Hansbrough
March 9, 2023

There were some times sitting on the steps in timeout I still recall. Yet, somehow therapeutically, I began to "conquer" the steps by seeing how many I could jump down without getting hurt - I think I may have hit 8 steps as my record out of 16 stairs. From there, my brothers and I became ninjas and would leap over the banister, run on the walls, and jump down the steps in 1-2 seconds. Those were the days.

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Duane Harlick
March 9, 2023

Bobsledding down the stairs in a cardboard box.

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Kristin Lyons
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March 9, 2023

I'm with @Dan Breyen  on the Slinky :)

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March 9, 2023

Slinky race and sliding down the stair rails!

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March 9, 2023

I have one memory from my kindergarten days. I was usually the last kid to stay so I had to find a way to keep myself busy when every single friend was already home. The kindergarten I went to was pretty big, four sections on 2 floors. On the left side we had the babies (top) and up to three-year-olds (bottom), on the right side were the pre-schoolers (top) and the old guard that went to school already (bottom).

In the middle right where the entrance is, you get into a little hall where all sorts of toys laid around and where we had our Halloween parties or all sorts of other events happening. A very small set of stairs went down this area, three steps only I think.

So here I was, wasting my time away by running from the entrance, jumping down the three steps, landing like a hero would. (That's what I thought it looked like anyway. :D)
The last jump, my kindergarten teacher came in to that little hall, I jumped, landed on one knee, slid right in front her and... She said "Yes, I do!"

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Robert Wen_Cprime_
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March 9, 2023

Let's talk about basement stairs.

The house I grew up in was a ranch at the ground level, but had a basement.  Of course when I was younger, I was hesitant to go down those stairs into the dark.  It was an exercise to get the light on and run to the next light switch.

In Arizona, basements are a rarity.  So I don't have that problem anymore. 

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Summer Hogan
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March 9, 2023

The only memories I have about stairs are me questioning WHY? Why would someone buy a house with stairs? First of all, they are dangerous. Second of all, they are a workout numerous times a day (not that workouts are bad for you). I lived in a lot of base housing when I was kid on Air Force bases and every time I would say to myself: Why are we always stuck in houses with stairs? UGH! 

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March 9, 2023

@summer.hogan that's funny! My childhood memory of stairs is the opposite.

My parents' first home was a single level. When I was five, we began looking to move because we needed room for my newborn sister. I remember touring houses and being very impressed at a particular house because it had a staircase. At the time, the only houses I'd been in were single-floor. Stairs in a home were the stuff of television sitcoms - it blew my little mind!

My parents passed on that house. I remember my dad saying he didn't want the baby falling down the stairs. I was so disappointed that we couldn't get the cool two-story house because of the silly baby.

Fast forward to 2021 - I've purchased my own home (with cool stairs, of course) and my dad is over helping me fix up some things. He remarked that the layout almost identical to a house that we toured back when we were looking to move for the baby. I told him about my memory and how I had thought it was my sister's "fault" that we couldn't take that house. He cleared some things up for me.

In all those years, it had never crossed my mind that I was the main fall risk at the time. Yes they passed on the house because they didn't want to risk it with a crawling baby, but they also had a five year old who might jump, tumble, climb the balcony wall, etc. It blew my adult mind!

It's fun irony that I did end up moving into a house that is laid out like my childhood "dream house". I just had to wait until I was old enough to responsibly handle the stairs! XD

(Stairs really are a lot less fun when you're no longer a child with limitless energy!!)

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March 9, 2023

As a kid my uncles staircase was huge, and we loved crawling up the flight - i returned as an adult and realized it was only about 5 or 6 steps, not a huge case of stairs i originally remembered!

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Kathy Hart
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March 9, 2023

The main memory I have of stairs was when we moved into base housing in England. The housing area was actually part of an old British air base, so the housing was English style. The stairs were right inside the front door, and MAN were they STEEP! 

We had the large American style couch with a hide-a-bed in it, and it was too long to make the corner from the front door to the living room. The movers ended up having to stand the couch on end in the stairwell to get a straight shot at the living room door. 

I will remember that as long as I live, sitting on the super steep stairs and watching them maneuver the couch into the living room. It was really impressive. 

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Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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March 10, 2023



Thank you ALL for the good and bad memories of stairs. Hope you also felt good after sharing them :) It was really fun/interesting reading them. Memory lane is such a wonderful street!

Wish you all an awesome Friday and even better weekend. KGM

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Brant Schroeder
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March 11, 2023

Falling down them when I was young.

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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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March 16, 2023

Slinky was my preferred one!!!

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Ram Kumar Aravindakshan _Adaptavist_
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May 25, 2023

I'm used to be more of a sliding-down-the-staircase kind of person. 

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