It's Thursday!
The year is 1987. It is in middle of June. I've had my drivers license for just over a month at this point. It is about 10:30 at night and I am on a red light. I want to make a U turn but don't want to wait for all the on coming cars so I decide, as soon as the light turns yellow (it goes red-yellow-green in Europe), to hurry up and take the U turn before they really get going. So I am monitoring the light going the other direction. As soon as it goes red, I step on the gas and flip a U turn and kind of, but not really, cut off this green Mazda 626 station wagon with a out of city license plate. You know, some farmer dude.

I quickly gear up and speed away. I notice that the green Mazda also speed up and is really close behind me. "What a heck," I think to myself, "The farmer must be really ticket off." So I step on it and am going above the speed limit. Still got that green Mazda right on my tail. So I turn into a sleep neighborhood (speed limit 30km, not 50km) and speed even faster through it. Still got the Mazda back there.
Finally, I turn down this one street and take another glimpse in the rearview mirror. It is at this time that I notice the red flashing light in the window of the Mazda. Cops! So I hurry over to the side of the street and stop. At that moment, 3 other cop cars show up and surround me. The driver of the green Mazda hurries out of the car, rips open my door, and drags me out of the car. Needless to say, I was about to wet my pants at this point. Throws me into the back of the Ford Econoline cop car and closes the door. Well, after waiting for a long time at the station, somebody finally interviews me and this was all a mistake. The cops in the green Mazda were undercover narcotic cops and they thought I was an "old friend" trying to escape from them... No charges and I drove way under the speed limit all the way home. Went straight to be and slept for 12 hours straight.
Sooooo, what is the craziest car/motorcycle chase you've been in?
Let’s make it a great Thursday! KGM