It's Thursday!
Only two more days until the weekend ;)
Ok, when I was six years old and living in Iceland, my family went on a holiday to Guernsey and Jersey. I remember going to a war museum (like a bunker), remember walking to the beach, and how I was told that you had to be approved / admitted in order to live there :)
Picture of me sailing from Guernsey back in 1976. I guess I don't remember a whole lot but certain smells bring memories back. This was my first time in an airplane so that was a biggie.
Bonus: the suffix ey actually means island in Icelandic. Just like Wikipedia says: "From Anglosaxon and in placenames, with the meaning of "island", as in Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, or Surtsey."
Since it is summer time, tell us about a memorable holiday you took or even the one you are on right now! What was it?
Let’s make it a great Thursday!
Kristján Geir Mathiesen
Enterprise Atlassian Administrator
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