Welcome to the Atlassian Community!
Whether you're just starting or looking to deepen your participation we've got something special to help you hit the ground running — the new Kudos Passport!
Kudos Passports are curated sets of Kudos challenges that we believe enhance your early member experience and reward contributions as you settle in here. By completing a full page of of your passport, you'll earn fun MEGA-badges! First one up is: Community Voyager
While collecting Voyager stamps you’ll learn:
How to navigate the community to locate information and groups relevant to your personal journey
Post your first question or reply
How to set up your profile and customize the community homepage to your preferences
These are the first actions we recommend to familiarize yourself with the forum. Our goal with the Voyager passport is for you to feel confident and connected as you begin your journey here.
Ready to start collecting?
Take a look at the list of challenges to complete (below) and begin checking them off to earn your Community Voyager mega-badge.
We're excited to have you join the Atlassian community and can't wait to see you thrive. Happy exploring!
New Braunfels, TX
2 accepted answers