☕️ Weekly Atlassian News Roundup | 18th April 2022

Good morning community ☀️,

another weekly roundup of Atlassian news! Before we start, would you believe there are over 20 events happening this week in the Atlassian ecosystem? You can check this calendar to find the right one for you.

And now let's dive into the news 🤿👇

We run Monday coffee with Jexo podcast weekly on Youtube and Spotify, subscribe so you don't miss the next episode! 


 Important announcements

Looking for 15-20 volunteers to test Atlassian training content (Jira Automation)

A new course at the Atlassian university focusing on the Automation for Jira is available in beta until 24 April.
The course includes everything you need to know about Jira Automation to create your own rules in Jira from basic to more advanced ones.


Atlassian Outage Update

Atlassian's CTO also posted the announcement detailing the exact reasons why there was an outage on the Atlassian Cloud products incident happened and what are the next steps to prevent it from happening in the future.


App editions are coming to Marketplace

Atlassian has officially announced the App editions feature for the Marketplace to enable marketplace partners to structure their app features and pricing into Free, Standard, and Advanced.


🗓 Events

Register for Developer day '22

This year's Developer Day event takes place on the 9th of June starting at 9 am Central European Summer Time. There's no agenda released yet but you can already register for the event.


🚀Latest new improvements and announcements to the Atlassian products

Now available: Statuspage integration for Compass!

Status page integration is now available for Compass. With this new feature, you'll be able to connect compass components to the status page components.


📚Article of the week

Build a Social Media Publisher with Trello

This week we have an interesting article pic for all Trello fans. We found this article about how to build a social media publisher with Trello on Brittany Joiner's substack - a hidden gem where you can learn new Trello hacks every week.


Have a great week 👋 👋 👋 




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Jimmy Seddon
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 18, 2022

As always, thank you for another great start to the week @Nikki Zavadska _Appfire_ & Biro!

Taranjeet Singh
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 18, 2022

@Nikki Zavadska _Appfire_ Thank you for sharing another amazing roundup of news & updates on Atlassian & its ecosystem!

Lucas Modzelewski _Lumo_
Atlassian Partner
April 18, 2022

As always, great content, Thx @Nikki Zavadska _Appfire_ and Jexo team :) 

AUG Leaders

Atlassian Community Events