Hello Community Friends!
Today is very special for me; it's my brother's birthday! 🎂🤘
I love him not only because he is my big bro but because he is an extraordinary, weird, super smart, funny, and annoying human being. We had so many fun stories growing up, and most of them were considered silly or weird by the audience.
* walking (and training) an imaginary dog made of garbage we collected in the mountains
* making a running challenge on a field of dangerous rocks (without telling Mom, of course)
* calling ourselves names born out of a wrongly worded sentence or worse. For example, I am well known as The Inspector Dibs and my brother's number saved in my phone is "BofTheInspector". Still the same to this day :)
We may be "serious grown-ups" now, but we will never stop being our weirder selves when we are close to each other.
What is your weirdest self? Do you have any personality trait or something you say a lot that makes you authentically silly :)
Happy Happy Birthday to my brother with another memory of us, going on a bad weather bike ride.
Happy BDay to your brother.
I collect stuff.. rubber ducks are probably the biggest collection, I'm trying to change to cars.
Like @Jimmy Seddon my sibling and I have phrases that we can say to each other that still crack us up decades later. We played RPGs and ended up with several "quotes" from gaming sessions.
- Boots of Speed
- You got a double-aught on your "eye rolling" roll.
- Oops, I broke my pencil.
Talking about the weirdest me, I have this hilarious habit of always saying, ‘I’ll be there in just 2 minutes!’—even when I know it’s going to take me way longer. My family and friends have caught on, so now they just roll their eyes and add an extra buffer to the time. What can I say? It’s my signature style—2 minutes could mean 15, 30, or who knows!
PS: I only do this with my siblings and close friends😅
Happy birthday to your brother🥳 I’m also into bike rides, and that photo looks awesome!
@Teodora V _Fun Inc_ - happy birthday to your brother, Teodora!
I love awful puns[1][2], and dreadful humor. I have to try really hard to suppress it in front of people who don’t know me well. For the most part, I think I succeed here?
[1] Wordplay makes me laugh, and it’s fun to find occurrences of this in languages I’m not familiar with.
[2] @Fun Man Andy knows. 👀 🍑