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Miscellaneous Monday: Historical Dinner Guest of your Choice!

Ananjan_Mishra July 14, 2024

Happy Monday, my dear community members!

It’s Monday again, and I can agree that for some people, Mondays are just about getting over the weekend, while for others, it’s a motivational kickstart for the week.

For me, this Monday is about getting over the weekend😅. So, I went to this dinner party at my friend's house last weekend, and we played a short game. The question posed was If you could have a dinner party with any historical figure, who would you invite? My answer to this question is Leonardo da Vinci! 🎨🔬

Yes, the man himself, the epitome of the Renaissance spirit, a genius in every sense. Imagine the conversations we could have! From art and science to engineering and anatomy, Leonardo's insatiable curiosity and innovative mind would make for an unforgettable dinner party.

Fun Fact: Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci was ambidextrous? He could write with one hand and draw with the other simultaneously. Now that’s multitasking at its finest!

But why stop at just my choice? Let's make this interactive! Your Turn! Who Would You Invite?

Comment below with your historical dinner guest of choice and why or a fun fact related to them. Let’s get the conversation going! Who knows, maybe your choice will inspire someone else.

Let’s kickstart this week with curiosity, creativity, and a bit of fun. I'm looking forward to seeing all your dinner party guests in the comments!



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Rising Star
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July 15, 2024

Wow, interesting question, I would like to invite Albert Einstein to talk about relativity

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Ananjan_Mishra July 15, 2024

@Vronik Wow that's a great one! 

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Laurie Sciutti
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July 16, 2024


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Rebekka Heilmann _viadee_
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July 15, 2024

I currently read "A history of Scotland" (and have been for a couple of years already - tough read ;) ) and would love to meet some of the main figures in these stories. A lot of the facts have been embellished by Myths. To meet some of them and find out the truth behind it would be fascinating.

Mary, Queen of Scots; William Wallace; Robert Burns...

Finally get some use out of the Scottish Gaelic I've been leaning on Duolingo... Not too sure whether they would appreciate me telling stories about Nessie eating Haggis and drinking Whisky though :D 

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Ananjan_Mishra July 15, 2024

@Rebekka Heilmann _viadee_ That's a good one, I would love to know what they would say!😂😂

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Sam Nadarajan
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July 15, 2024

Ditto on William Wallace!

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Amanda Barber
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July 15, 2024

Robin Williams! 💜

Robin Williams Dead: Actor Dies of Suspected Suicide

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Ananjan_Mishra July 15, 2024

@Amanda Barber That's definitely a great choice! If I were to list my top 10 movies of all time, Good Will Hunting would undoubtedly be on it!

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Laurie Sciutti
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July 16, 2024


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Sam Nadarajan
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July 15, 2024

For me I would want to have a sit down with Alexander the Great, learn all about Ancient Greece and his lightning conquests East. I find those ancient times fascinating!

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Ananjan_Mishra July 15, 2024

@Sam Nadarajan I find it fascinating too! It would be interesting to listen to his great conquest.

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Barbara Szczesniak
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July 15, 2024

Well, since it's a dinner party, I'd like to invite several guests—the major figures in the history of the world's religions. I won't name specific names so as not to offend anyone.

I would like to be present for a discussion of how we could overcome religious differences in the world.

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Ananjan_Mishra July 15, 2024

That's a great thought @Barbara Szczesniak 

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Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM
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July 16, 2024

Do we automatically speak the same language? 

If so, some random person from 50,000-100,000 years ago, to learn what it was like pre-history.

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Summer Hogan
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July 19, 2024

If I had to choose I would say someone I could communicate with that was around when the dinosaurs were so I could pick their brain on what life was like in the prehistoric ages. I wonder if it is really like it is depicted in the Flintstones! 

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Amanda Barber
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July 19, 2024

Great idea!

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Susan Waldrip
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August 2, 2024

Great question, very thought-provoking... There are many, but I'd start the list with Maya Angelou and just be quiet and listen to her stories.

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