Happy Monday to all those that celebrate! 😁 (As many of you know, I am not a big Monday fan!)
I couldn't let a Monday go by without a Miscellaneous Monday post, and I know that @Fun Man Andy has been busy folding his Speedos (do they even need folding?) and getting them ready for Team '22. So I'm jumping in to fill a gap that is frankly larger than one Andy can make up for.
So here's my thought on this Miscellaneous Monday - which has been inspired by my recent interaction with @Patrícia Fortunato Montenegro.
What's your favorite cartoon from when you were a kid? Some of us are from the Jetsons/Flinstones/Yogi the Bear generation, others from He-Man/She-ra/Transformers and even some from the Dora/Diego generation!
Here's the rules - no text responses! You may only post a picture/gif/meme from your favorite cartoon, and then it's up to the rest of us to guess what your favorite cartoon was!
Then Autobots Roll Out!
The only text I'm going to write is I can't have just one, so you will get a few:
My First Cartoon/Anime was Hungry Heart Wild Stricker which is also my all-time favourite:
A GIF from the actual cartoon is too easy to guess... it's so obvious once one sees it. So tried a cryptic puzzle in GIFs. (Still too obvious though... LOL)
Here's the close second place from my childhood... it's not really a puzzle; again, super obvious
@Jimmy Seddon this is how my son learned his colors.... lol.
@Max Foerster - K15t - did you see that Animaniacs is coming back to Hulu??
Whaaaaaaaat? 😲
Thank you, Amanda! :D
That subtitle tho'... you are a legend @Dave Liao 🌟 👌
@Fun Man Andy right? It was a double good find
Hahahaha, awesome!
A bit of text, may I? 😋 To be mentioned in your post, it's such an honor for me, @Andy Gladstone
YESSS!!!! D&D the cartoon was hilarious!!!
I FULLY agree with you, @Jimmy Seddon
D&D in my Top 5, that's for sure!!
Assuming that everyone in here enjoyed these cartoons in their original run (not re-runs on the Cartoon Network or in syndication), we are a group that are children of the 80's (best cartoon generation ever!).
Removing the Looney Tunes outlier (which I assume we all saw in syndication) and the newest entry, Inuyasha, the average run of our favorite cartoons was 1987-1991.
LOVE this! Thanks for posting the summary @Andy Gladstone!
Data-driven entertainment!
OMG, it's fabulous @Andy Gladstone
I LOVE this too!
Thank you! 🤩
p.s: Now, I daydreamed on Saturday morning with my cereal bowl, waiting to watch my favorite Cartoons. 😁
Love it! Thanks @Andy Gladstone
(bit late, but does this count as a cartoon?)
hahahah @Alex _ Trello
I love it!
@Jack Brickey me toooooo.... Love Wile E Coyote
Oh my god, yes! That one was awesome. 😁
I watched a lot of Looney toons, scooby-doo, scrappy-doo, he-man, gi joe and godzilla / godzuckie. I remember Saturday mornings being very exciting because we were able to watch cartoons and eat cereal. Never realized it was probably more exciting to my mother who got to sleep in and not make breakfast.
Shout out to all of the Moms that let us break the rules and eat in front of the TV while watching cartoons!
No breakfast in front of the TV but cartoons in the morning were okay. 😁
Me walking past my kitchen pantry with cookies in it. Every time.
Me too @Andy Gladstone me too!
I forgot about Dexter, might have to try and find that to watch it with my kids.
And the french voice of Dee-dee in Dexter's laboratory is Dorothee Pousseo, also known for Overwatch Tracer's voice
I just recently learned that the series is French. I enjoyed watching it, it was very well known in Germany, and I recently learned that it was also a hit in Israel. My partner grew up with it as well. I wonder where else the series explained life to children. 😁
I used to love this show.
A old time Tom and Jerry serries :D
Thundercats fan
Missed out on Robotech / Macros
Captain Future was my hero... 😁
Monday.. Lets beat it like a superman :)