Her name is Grace. She has "not" particularly lived up to the name unfortunately. (Likely due to her enforced diet restrictions.) She has been rather crabby lately.
She also wants to say that she is not enamored of the Jira project I created to reign in all of the needs of herself and her sibs. I use the project so I don't overlook things important to all 7 of them.
That is the greatest thing I've ever heard.
Oh my gosh, @Alexis_Pruitt, I'm reaching out to you to find out more about that!
@Nic Brough -Adaptavist-, isn't your cat also named Grace, or did I imagine that?
The one seen at Summit was Eskarina, she died last November. The one we have left is "George", and she's not really my cat, she's Chrissy's. She only likes me when I have a tin of food in hand.
(George because Chrissy said "I will name her George, and I will hug her and pet her and squeeze her...")
Hahaha +1 to Chrissy.
Thanks, Alexis, we are all dying to know more about your story!