Why is this a new thread? Because I and my fellow table top nerd friends have a burning desire to talk about everything D&D! This conversation started in the Friday Fun post here: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Off-topic-discussions/Friday-Fun-which-is-your-favourite-book-or-the-best-book-you/td-p/1288313
So to get things started. I have mostly been a forgotten realms fan. I was first introduced to D&D via the Advance D&D system in place for the video game Bauldur's Gate.
From there I had a group of friends that got me into playing the table top version of the game.
I haven't played in years, and as much as I would love to get back into regular play sessions life is too busy for my to do that right now.
When I did play I was generally a Chaotic Good Cleric. I liked playing a character where the ends justified the means to get there.
Anyone else who plays regularly or maybe you just read some of the books, feel free to chime in and share your stories!
I haven't but I'm interested. I'll read up on it. I do however own a copy of this:
I have played online, but never the board game. Any good?
It takes way too long to setup, but once you actually get playing it's not bad.
🤔My cousins were big time players but I never got hooked. Maybe my kids will get me in the game some day :P
I hope you've all seen this too: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Agile-articles/How-one-Trello-user-masters-his-Dungeons-and-Dragons-boards/ba-p/663237
OMG @Monique vdB that is insane!!!!!!!!! I think we found an entire new set of prospects to sell Trello to...
That is next level. I'm going to have to take a closer look later tonight!
I used to play a lot. After moving a few times with crates of sourcebooks i finally gave up and sold/donated them. Of course now my daughter is actually starting to get into it. I'm waiting for the day when she asks her dad to DM for her and her friends.
Me playing DM:
This is interesting :
I usually play the cleric or the fighter, since no one ever wants to heal or tank, same goes for my class choices in MMORPGs actually. I used to run a kids table last year during our Wednesday's D&D Adventure League, but have been too busy for that lately.
My husband hosts an RPG Demo day at the store about once every other month to showcase other RPG systems besides D&D. So in the last year I have played Eclipse Phase (think Altered Carbon), Vampire Masquerade 5th edition, Conan, Delta Green (setting for Call of Cthulhu), Mutant Year Zero (post apocalyptic mayhem) and Kobolds Ate My Baby (you play a kobold!). My 12 year old daughter ran that last one, it was hilarious. I skipped a few as there are too many to mention them all and most of them are even more obscure than the ones I listed already.