Hello All, do you remember the tag line "Beware, all ye who enter, for here be dragons!" With a heavy heart we are getting ready to say good bye and take down the original “Here Be Dragons!” ...
Why is this a new thread? Because I and my fellow table top nerd friends have a burning desire to talk about everything D&D! This conversation started in the Friday Fun post here: http...
Victory! Dragons hold no fear for me. @atlassian where's my T-shirt? #AtlassianDragons http://atlss.in/dragonquest
I am on Stage 5 Step 4.7 of the Dragon Slayer instructions. Atlassian Support previously told me to upgrade to latest versions (and to ignore versions in the Dragon Slayer wiki), so I am running: ...
I am trying to complete stage 8.3 of the Dragon Slayer challenge. Versions: Windows 10 x64 (Admin) Jira Server v6.3.1 Confluence Server 5.7.1 Bamboo Server 5.3 JDK 1.7 JRE 7 I am trying...
...4.5) In Fisheye, I can see the repository is setup and connected. It is located here: https://bitbucket.org/atlassian_dragons/dragonslayers/ However, when I navigate to the "Activity" tab f...
Running Windows 10 as the ADMIN on my personal laptop. Oracle JDK 8u181-windows-x64 installed in folder C:\Java\jdk1.8.0_181 PostgreSQL 8.4 installed and pgAdmin III running. Jira Server (6....
I am attempting the Atlassian DragonSlayer challenge and a experiencing a problem setting up Jira. I did the following: Installed Oracle JDK. Installed PostGreSQL Installed JIRA 6.3.15...
Hi All I am trying to complete the Atlassian Dragon Quest and I am stuck at the step where I need to Find "Find changeset ' 922fd93 ' in the activity stream. Click the cog icon next to t...
Working on Atlassian Dragon Slayer Requirement is to use Postgre 'current' 8.4.x (last release id .22) & pgAdmin III 8.4 (https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/ATLAS/Dragons+Stage+1+-+...
I'm on stage 9 of the Here Be Dragons challenge. I can't add Bamboo gadgets to JIRA for some reason. When I search for "bamboo" nothing comes up. I have the link between Bamboo and JIRA already worki...
I've completed the "Here Be Dragons" process, but at the very end the link to get a t-shirt is broken. The following address just takes me to a 404 page: http://www.atlassian.com/starter/youslay...
Hi, Completed the Atlassian Dragon Slayer today around 5.00pm IST, Filled out the form for the same, It said "Thanks for submitting" . But I have not received any mail from Atlassi...
I just received my Dragon Slayer T-shirt, and staring in wonder at the achievement, I asked myself... The Dragon Install is said to be specifically targeted with specific version of Atlassian softwa...
If I do a full dragon install on this VPS, will it be ok, assuming they don't excessively oversell? This is for 1-5 people use. VPSDime - Linux VPS 4 vCPU (shared) 6 GB Memory (possibly sha...
I am preparing to slay the dragon and have a few questions. It seems the dragon quest documehntation was written quite a while ago, as none of the versions listed in the quest details are current. Wi...
Hi, in Stage 3 Step 5 SubItem 6 I have to insert a JIRA Issue but after search list of issues (i watch 3 issues) and select insert as a table if I press "preview" only columns descriptions are list...
The instructions say: Go to your FishEye/Crucible dashboard. ClickRe: DRA-1in the 'Re: DRA-1 commented on review' text in the activity stream. The review details screen will appear. ClickThis...
EDIT: Thanks guys, manually updating the UPM and then team calendars did the trick. You rock ;) Hi folks, I'm currently working through the dragon test, but I seem to be unable to install...
Hi, I've followed the full guide up to https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/ATLAS/Dragons+Stage+9+-+Bamboo+Gadgets+and+JIRA+Victory But now when I add the Bamboo gadgets in JIRA they do not get...
I'm having problems with Step 3.6 When I click "Create" button, I get a popup error message: An error has occurred Error Error creating subtask in JIRA: Unknown error creating s...
We recently purchased starter licenses for a number of Atlassian products. It is my understanding that doing Dragon Slayer quest is best/proper way to install all those products. We use Oracle 11gR2 ...
When ordering Atlassian Dragon Slaying T-Shirt there is a field with an 'Invoice number'. Do I have to buy Jira just to get this t-shirt?? This was never mentioned before in a Quest...
JIRA 5.0.6 Confluence 4.2.6 Host: ESXi 4.1 Guest OS: FreeBSD 9.0, openjdk6-b24, Apache 2.2 mod_proxy and name-based virtual host to wiki.domain.tld & jira.domain.tld While following these do...
As part of Dragons stage 7 (https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/ATLAS/Dragons+Stage+7+-+Get+JIRA+and+Crucible+Talking) A code review is created in Crucible (Step 2). Step 3 then creates a JIRA i...
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