Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×Wait! It's the day AFTER Team '24 and this post isn't about Team? Really? Who is this guy?
Read on.
Anyone who knows me or follows my posts in the Community is aware that I am a pretty big Star Wars fan. Seen the original trilogy over 150 times in succession, quotes it like the bible, and is always looking for ways to apply the lexicon from Star Wars in the Community. And this post is no exception to that rule.
Obi Wan Kenobi explains the force to Luke Skywalker he tells him:
Well, the Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.
Is there any more apt a description for the Atlassian Community?
Are we not bound together as one like the Force?
But binding together is not enough if we don't work together. Luke needed Han, Han needed Chewbacca, C-3PO needed R2-D2, even Vader needed Obi-Wan.
It takes TEAMwork to make the DREAMwork as they say.
So I ask you today, what is your favorite dynamic duo, trio or even larger team - and why? How did they compliment each other and create an energy filed that bound them together. It does not need to be from the Star Wars Universe. It can be real or fictional. But share with us a Team you have learned from or would want to emulate or be a part of.
Have a great weekend - for all of those that were at Team '24 - it's back to work on Monday!
Both excellent choices, both similarly complimentary.
Tom and Jerry!!
This isn't necessarily "MY" favorite, but I enjoy watching it with my kids and I think the point is one that I want to share. The Paw Patrol, is a team of experts whose sum is greater than it's individual parts. Much like all of us in the Community, we all have specific product knowledge that collectively allow us to be able to solve any problem. To quote the tag line: "No pup is too small, no problem is too big". I think that is very true.
Have a great weekend everyone!
You took this in an unexpected direction. I guess the community is basically like Paw Patrol - Whenever you're in trouble, just yelp for help!
A few years ago I was in a fantastic team, we were like a perfectly synchronized car machinery, the problem was when the chassis of that team (leader) added a part that was not from the brand of car that we strengthened and finally ended up being destroyed
But while it lasted, it was a pleasant experience, we all learned from each other, we shared knowledge, anecdotes and it could be said that even despite the workload we were happy
Funny, we often use a similar metaphor in our company. 'There is no point in having a Ferrari if you put a Ford Taurus engine in it.'
I would say the hockey team representing Team USA in the 1980 Lake Placid Olympics. Not only did this team of completely amateur athletes come together for a great win, but they also brought the entire country together.
I DO believe in miracles!
My favorite team was the 1987 & 1991 Minnesota Twins for winning the World Series.
"And we'll see you tomorrow night!!!"
Not sure I can pick just one.
Daffy Duck teaming up in any cartoon with Porky Pig is great.
Sorry I'm late to this post, but had to chime in with my Harry Potter love again! I choose Harry, Hermione and Ron! They are coined the Golden Trio for a reason because not only did they fight the purest evil, but they also compliment each other's weaknesses and fill in the gaps for each other.
Here's the real question though. Harry did get all three of the Hallows, but they originally were owned by three brothers. If Harry, Hermoine and Ron all had to be one Hallow, which would each be?
Oh my @Andy Gladstone - what a question! I do recall though and had to look this up to make sure I was remembering correctly, but they said in the book which one they would be and I think I agree with their assessment.
‘It’s just a morality tale, it’s obvious which gift is best, which one you’d choose -‘
The three of them spoke at the same time; Hermione said, ‘the Cloak,’ Ron said, ‘the wand,’ and Harry said, ‘the stone.’
They looked at each other, half surprised, half amused.”
A worthy submission @Brant Schroeder!
I had to put it out there as this is the Atlassian community.