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Friday Fun: A big event is coming up…

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February 10, 2022

…WHAT?!? Which one could I refer to?


Team`22 - no, still takes a while




Valentines Day - take this as a gentle reminder ;-) but no



I am talking about the Super Bowl :-)



I admit that I tried to understand the rules, but when it comes down to flags I am out ;-) 

The most interesting thing for me is the halftime show. :-) I rewatch it in the morning. 



But I am totally into Handball - I played it several years myself, I have a season ticket for the HC Erlangen (playing in the highest German league) here and watch any game I can. :-) 

And yes, Handball can hurt you as a player and/or a spectator. 


So my questions for my fellow Atlassian Community colleagues are: 

  1. are you a Super Bowl watcher, football fan or is it something you ignore?
  2. if you ignore the Super Bowl: is there any other sport event you follow and why? Handball for example ;-) 


Excited for your answers :-) And yes, I am aware of the fact that some of you might react like one of our German Women National Team Top Goal Keepers to my sport event question: 




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Jimmy Seddon
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February 10, 2022

Great topic @nina_schmidt!

Like you, I don't understand American Football.  I've had friends try to explain it, but I just don't get it.  I also don't like that "play time" happens in 30 second bursts, it feels disjointed.

I'm not a huge sports fan, so I don't follow anything regularly.  But, I will happily sit down and watch a game of hockey, I don't care what level or gender, any hockey is good in my books (and the Olympic hockey has been on fire!)

To any Super Bowl fans I really hope you enjoy the weekend and that the game ends favorably for you!

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Rising Star
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February 11, 2022

@Jimmy Seddon I agree with your view on Hockey.  I love any hockey too.  Got a game to go to next week.  LOVE IT!  And, love that the Olympics is on and I get to watch more hockey.

However, being American, I am a huge football fan. I think you need to be indoctrinated young for that sport.

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Monique vdB
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February 10, 2022

I love a Superb Owl! 


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Jimmy Seddon
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February 10, 2022

I can get on board with that!

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Rodney Nissen - ReleaseTEAM
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February 11, 2022

All hail the Superb Owl

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Rising Star
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February 11, 2022

Image result for owl gif

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Robert Wen_ReleaseTEAM_
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February 10, 2022

I am a (American) Football fan, and I do watch the Super Bowl.  But I have teams I root for.  If those teams don't happen to make it to the Super Bowl (as what happens MOST of the time), then the Super Bowl becomes an excuse to eat food and watch the new commercials.

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Monique vdB
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February 10, 2022

@Robert Wen_ReleaseTEAM_ well now we must know who these teams are! Is one the Packers? that's the only team I sort of root for because I briefly lived in Green Bay and if you live there and are not a Packers fan, they dropkick you into the sea.

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Robert Wen_ReleaseTEAM_
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February 10, 2022

Boy, if I only had a time machine...

This Sunday it's the LA Rams playing the Cincinnati Bengals playing in LA.

I feel you.  I married into a "Packer family" (my wife is from Wisconsin, it's not just Green Bay, it's the entire state!)

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Jimmy Seddon
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February 10, 2022

@Robert Wen_ReleaseTEAM_ Yes!!! the only thing I do pay attention to during the super bowl is the food!

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Rising Star
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February 11, 2022

As a girl from Wisconsin, living in Kansas City, I was praying for a Packers v Chiefs superbowl.  And, we were thissssss clossssseeee.


See the source image

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Jack Brickey
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February 10, 2022

Wasn't the Chiefs - Bills game on Jan 23rd the Super Bowl? I mean 25 points in <2min it can't get much better!

I do love to watch the Super Bowl each year. I am hopeful that the two teams with the two young quarterbacks will make this an exciting Sunday. If it is boring I will just have another delicious pizza pocket.

Image - 682115] | Food Porn | Know Your Meme

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David Niro
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February 10, 2022

could not agree more!!!  what a game!

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Rising Star
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February 11, 2022

After the Packers, I am a HUGE Chiefs fan.  And, that Bills v Chiefs game was OMG.  It took me days for my heart beat to return to normal.  

On a side note, the Chiefs fans, Chiefs Kingdom, got together and donated in $13 increments to Josh Allen's charity as a way to say "Coin toss won it" and Thank you.  We donated in excess of $400,000 to the Children's hospital.  Chiefs fans donate thousands to hospital fund honoring Josh Allen (

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Dave Liao
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February 10, 2022

Go sportsball! Goal all the hoops, score all the teams!

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Monique vdB
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February 10, 2022

I got my husband this shirt because he also does not understand sportsball 😂

Screen Shot 2022-02-10 at 2.23.22 PM.png

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Linda Milne_Togetha Group_
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February 10, 2022

I am a total superbowl bumpkin. I think I need a Foopball t-shirt too!!!

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Mikael Sandberg
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February 10, 2022

I love watching the Super Bowl, but maybe not as intensely when the team I'm rooting for is not in it.

I'm also a hockey fan, and try and not miss any of the Canes games, I was a season-ticket holder until we moved to PNW.


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Jimmy Seddon
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February 10, 2022

ohh nice!  My wife and I had seasons tickets to the Guelph Storm (local team) many years ago, it was a ton of fun!

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David Niro
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February 10, 2022

I am also an American Football fan.  The playoffs and in particular the Super Bowl are some of my favorite sporting events of the year.

That being said, I LOVE golf.  I love to play it, I love to practice it and i love to watch it.  Yes, I give golf a lot of love, but I still am terrible at it.

The level of skill and precision it takes to get that accursed ball into a 4.25" hole from hundreds of yards away in as few strokes as possible is insane.  

Also, because it is played pretty much year round, I get to watch a whole lot more of it that I do any other sport.  If you've never watched golf in your life, or have and found it boring, I implore you to give it another shot. 

I would recommend The Ryder Cup (next Sept 2023), The Presidents Cup (international competitions are the most fun), The US Open, The British Open, Dubai World Championship and of course, the Masters.

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Rising Star
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February 11, 2022

For me... American Football, American Baseball, and Hockey... ANY KIND of Hockey.  I will lay it down here though, I am a Chicago Blackhawks fan and a Kansas City Mavericks fan.

Image result for going to a fight and a hockey game broke out image

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Andy Gladstone
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February 11, 2022

Wow, the number of replies on comments here is INSANE!

I am with all of those that have mentioned Hockey as their game of choice. Growing up playing all forms of Hockey - street, roller, ice (ok, not Field Hockey - never understood that one) in suburbia are some of my best memories. My Dad taking me to MSG to see the Rangers play the Penguins in 1992 was my first ever game. My idol, Mike Gartner scored a goal, but Mario and the Pens won 4-2. I wore #22 all through Junior High and High School hockey as an homage to Mike Gartner.

After the 2004 lockout my wife and I were on the verge of buying a home and it fell through. With all of the extra cash we had on hand we bought 3 years of season tickets for the Islanders. At the time I was also coaching youth hockey and any player that scored a hat trick got to attend a game with me. There is no sport that is as electric and fascinating in person and on television as hockey. You stay glued to your seat form TV timeout to TV timeout. 

Will I watch the Superbowl? Probably not. I get more out of the 12 minute highlights package on than 3.5 hours watching JIC something happens.

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Andy Gladstone
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February 11, 2022

Oh, and the Olympic Hockey has been surreal to watch - no fans in the stands. The US Men and Women are doing phenomenal (we'll beat the Canadians in the finals!). It brings me back to my youth when only amateur athletes could compete in the games - the way the Olympics should be.

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Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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February 11, 2022

Superbowl is the only football game I watch during the year :) It has such a vibe about it and fun to plan a party (even though it is usually just the nucleus family that attends).

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Brant Schroeder
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February 11, 2022

I watch it if nothing else is going on.  I have been enjoying the Olympics, especially mens and womens hockey. 

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Fabian Lim
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February 13, 2022

I watch the superbowl, but I don't have a favourite team to root for. It's a great excuse to get together with friends and have wings and beers.  

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Karthick S
Atlassian Team
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April 7, 2022

I like Super Bowl a lot :) 

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