Happy Friday Community, 💙
It's a pleasure to come here and share a little with you all! 🤩
As I started 2022, I confess that I made monthly plans to have more fun times with my husband, as we tend to focus more on work. These plans are surrounded by visiting some new place nearby, going to show, visiting Sheep House, which is a place with a lot of nature and sheep that I love (it's in the plan for April, hahaha); or doing something different.
And in February, my partner suggested that we spend the weekend in a nearby town because he would attend a tattoo convention being the canvas. At first, I thought, my God, he's going to feel a lot of pain and because he wants to, hahaha! But the decision stood. The good thing is that the tattoo artist has been a family friend for a long time, and he's very cool and draws oriental art like no one else. So my hubby booked the hotel and the day arrived!
On a Friday morning, we left Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil by Uber, and 48km later, we arrived fine! Or not much, haha! Our Uber driver took the highway at 80km/h (limit) and then went on to ride at 120km, cutting all the cars ahead, crossing between lanes, and almost crashing at high speed. We asked him twice to respect the limit because we weren't hurrying. But I already felt nausea because I was so nervous, and my husband was more anxious because he remembered that he was going to get a tattoo and didn't know how long it would take and if he had made the best decision, hahaha!
In outline, the Convention was fun; I met very dear people there. It was two days of tattooing. The tattoo artist made art by hand to tattoo my husband's arm - of a Karasu Tengu, a bird with a human body. In Japan, the crow symbolizes gratitude family love, and the most common is a divine messenger that represents a good omen. The result: It was a unique and terrific tattoo!
My husband had two days and 17 hours of pain and a week later without moving his arm and taking extreme care to heal well. For me, it was quite a ride and an exciting and different weekend. Different people, food and place, I enjoyed it a lot.
So, February's couple plan: successfully achieved! Hahaha!
Please share with us, and let's have Friday-Fun together! 🥳
I hope you liked it! 😃
Thank you!
1. The first day was easy, only traces of the tattoo and smiles! ❤️
2. The end of the second day, much pain; look at the mask! 😁 🙃
3. Karasu Tengu got ready! 🤗 👏🏽
✅ May Putin leave Ukraine alone! 💛 💙
Thank you so much for coming here! I truly enjoyed your story, and oh God, what a weekend! Hahahahaha! 😂😂😂
After a distant house without civilization around with one, the beehive was already enough to build a fun weekend. However, you make me laugh out loud here on this part:
When we got inside the A-frame house it didn't get much better. The master bedroom had an old-fashioned water bed - the type that is like a garbage bag filled with water.
And you and your wife made some fantastic lemonade together. 😁
After going through what happened, it's so good to remember the points of the story. I love it, and I keep laughing, LOL! 😃😂😂😁👏🏽
Happy Friday, buddy!
@Andy Gladstone ooooooh, we have had those kind of weekends, including racoons, that wanted food. NOW...
Wow @Patrícia Fortunato Montenegro that is some beautiful ink for sure I love it and for sure was a painful journey!
It has been so long since I have had a weekend away but ready for one for sure!
thinking back through my vacations I realize I have been quite fortunate that plan generally have stayed on course or at least I was able to adjust. However, I can come up with one...
A number of years back we planned a trip with my brother and sister and their spouses. It was a 10d bareboat trip in the Bahamas and we had planned it for many months. We would be traveling between various inhabited islands as well as uninhabited, scuba, snorkeling, fishing, and celebrating birthdays. We were all so very excited.
As the trip neared Hurricane Bob (of Perfect Storm fame) came into focus. We were sure that it was going to completely washout our plans. You can imagine our hearts sinking. Fortunately there wasn't a direct hit but we had to decide if we should proceed into uncertainty. With so much invested and such strong desire and maybe a bit of youthful devil-may-care attitude we decided to go for it. Ultimately we we were going to be arriving the day after Bob skirted the area and the flight in on our small prop plane was one to remember.
We arrived safely but to questionable weather and some island damage. After chatting with the chartering group we all agreed to delay launch a day. So we settled into the local bars and restaurants to enjoy our time amid the lingering high winds and rain.
We were able to launch the next day and altered our route to avoid the storm's tail as much as possible. In hindsight another day on land would have been wise! The waves had their way with our boat resulting in a bit of sea sickness for the passengers. The waters and sky continued into the next day but ultimately settled down and we got back on track.
The rest of the trip was incredible save two events...
After anchoring for the evening a few of us took the dingy to the reef to collect some lobster for dinner. On the way back we ran out of gas. Fortunately we were only maybe 400-500 yards from the boat and we're able to collectively swim the dingy back.
The ladies were out for a swim while the guys were fishing and diving. I came up at the end of my dive and I was doffing my gear I heard some nervous laughter which turned into a desperate plea "Shark, shark...bring the boat!". Sure enough 12' hammerhead was circling the ladies. I jumped in the dingy and picked them up. They continued laughing nervously.
All of the issues aside it was most certainly one of our most memorable vacations and we talk about it often.
Hahaha, OMG @Jack Brickey
It was almost like a movie. 😱 Thanks for sharing! 🥳
I did remember Jaws from 1975, LOL. Have you ever watched it? 😁 😂 😅
But for sure was so memorable and all nature collaborating with its unique touch, hahaha.
Happy Friday! 😁
@Jack Brickey we are now 2 for 2 on replies that mentioned seasickness. Glad you saved the day!
Hahahaha, @Andy Gladstone, great job, pretty well observed. 👏🏽👏🏽😅😅
BTW, I'm glad you liked the ink, @Jack Brickey
And it was a painful journey, you're right! 😃
@Jack Brickey OMG, hilarious. We went on a cruise, right after hurricane Katrina, and we were chased around the Caribbean by hurricane Wilma. Literally having to change places to dock at as the hurricane followed us. My husband spent all the trip seasick in the cabin. They had padding up in the elevators to prevent injury and someone broke their arm anyway.
OMG @Marjorie
A cruise with butterflies in the stomach, right? A lot of guests (hurricanes) got on vacation with you! I can't figure out how my behavior could be in that situation. Hehehe! 😁😱
@Patrícia Fortunato Montenegro I spent a full day in the SPA on the ship getting pampered. Seaweed detoxify, facial, massage...
Awesome!! Wow, I bet it was fabulous!! SPA day is pretty welcome. 🤩 🤗 👏🏽
Ok, amazing stories! Love them all. Let's see a weekend, well as we have been together a long time we have had quite a few weekends together.
We planned a weekend trip to a cliff side house over Beaver Lake in Arkansas.
We got there and it turned out the entire houses electronics, lights, heat and fireplaces were controlled by Alexa devices. The internet was having issues, so we could not turn on the heat (and, it was cold) or control the lights, fireplace or other appliances. However, the steam shower worked so that was amazing.
And, the view... wow!
The resort did fix the internet problem and after a day, we could control everything. We managed to go on a few hikes, sit by the gas firepit, and look at the stars.
Truthfully, no electronics and internet was a good break for both of us!
Wow, such a beautiful place @Marjorie! Incredible! 🤩
And yes, I believe that electronics and the internet understood what they could offer best for your weekend trip, not working very well. So you were able to recharge in this stunning nature. Thank you so much for sharing!
I wish you a lovely day ahead! 😃
I wish you just as an amazing day!
Thank you so much @Marjorie 💙 🙏🏽 🥳
Great topic @Patrícia Fortunato Montenegro!
My wife, Norma and I haven't planned much on the weekends. With a fourth year old and a two month old, it's hard to make plans to leave the house for very long.
However, we were able to successfully make a trip to get some groceries and a Birthday present for our Niece for next week without anyone having a meltdown, and I'll call that a win!
Thank you, @Jimmy SeddonI'm glad you came here. And thank you so much for sharing with us.
I believe that having young children can be challenging and incredible at the same time, but taking a short trip with all and achieving your personal goals is a big win, indeed!
Highlight the part: "without anyone having a meltdown," LOL. 🥳 🤩 🤗 😁
Have a lovely day, buddy! 😃
Hi, I want to thank you who participated in this Friday's Fun. I hope we have even more surprisingly fun and good moments along the way that we will remember with affection, laughter, and nostalgia.
@Andy Gladstone@Jack Brickey@Marjorie, and @Jimmy Seddonyou made my day!
Have a lovely week! 🤗 😃 🤩
I took a friend fly fishing for the first time. We spent a week fishing on a very remote river in northern Idaho. Three days into the trip we were joined by two additional friends and we hiked up one of the tributaries to do some fishing. About 2pm that day one of my friends stepped in a ground hive and got stung repeatably. He ended up going into shock. At one point he had no pulse and had very shallow breathing. Luckily I had everything necessary to revive him. It took us 7 hours to hike 2 1/2 miles and another 5 hour drive to get him to help. He ended up being fine after a couple of days recovery. Not what I expected but ended up working out because I was prepared. Needless to say I ended up purchasing a Garmin connect so I could reach help faster in a future pinch if it were ever to come up.
OMG, @Brant Schroeder
It was such an adventure and effort. You were so prepared! Awesome!
Your friend is quite allergic; I know how it is, I am too! 🙃
And your Garmin connect was super helpful. It's like I say, unforeseen events happen and make the moment unique, but how good it is to be able to overcome them, and everything works out! 🙏🏽 🥳 🤗 😃
Thank you so much for sharing with us!
Have a lovely week!