I am searching for a solution for our weekly dog-training-reporting of every trainer (teammember). I want to supply it in a format that makes as less effort for the team as possible.
Ideal would be if I could supply a list of dog-behaviours they have to train...kind of standardized form... and the team can give for example 4 different colours/emojis from bad to good for every of these behaviours (every week again), make a hook at one of the choosable types of distraction they had while training, with the function to comment it additionally if necessary.
I need the reportings in a format we could export regularly (monthly) in f.e. Microsoft Excel.
I searched for hours and tried some power ups including habit-trackers and daily-tasks but nothing seem to meet my needs. We have datas and lot of other processes in Trello and it would be the goal, that EVERYTHING works through Trello, but maybe for this it is not the best tool? Has anybody a hint for me?
Thanks, Cornelia