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When a card repeats, how can I get the checklist items in a card to update?

Imogen Horbury
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May 9, 2024

When a card has the card repeater Power-Up linked onto it, the due date is not consistent with the cards repetition. For instance, a card in the Daily Tasks list has been set to repeat every Monday, although as the card appears each week, the due date stays the same (which is the original due date it was set on). This is unhelpful as it disrupts our systems, when a card appears with a due date set in December as we are in May it causes confusion to when the due date should be.

A similar issue we have found is with checklist item due dates as it does the same as the overall cards due date. When a card with checklist item due dates repeats the due dates on both the card and the checklist items are not moving forward correctly.

I have created a rule for my daily tasks so when a label is added the due date is changed to the current date and the due date is set in 8 hours (couldn’t set it to a time which would be 5pm) - with this though I believe I might have to go through and redo my cards in daily tasks and add the label onto it as it is created, because they aren’t travelling across as the card repeats.

I have made a rule for my monthly tasks so when a card is added to the monthly board I join the card and move the due date to the second Thursday of the month. I have also made a rule for my weekly tasks so when a card is added I will join the cars and the due date will be set to the following Friday. These rules seem to be working well at the moment but if there is an easier way that added the labels that would be great. But I still can’t quite figure out how to solve the checklist item due dates as of yet.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 13, 2024

Hi Imogen,

Thanks for reaching out!

In regards to the card due date, the Card Repeater Power-Up makes an exact copy of the original card, and cards with a due date are not updated automatically as a result.

That said, you can use automation to update the card due date automatically and you can find information on how to do that here:

For checklist items with due dates, you could create a rule such as:

  • when a card is copied into list X, for each checklist item, move the item due date to the same day next week

You can find the "for each checklist item" action under the Cascade tab when creating your rule.


Let me know if that helps, or if you have any questions!

All the best,

The Trello Team

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