It won't sort descending numbers?

Feyre Lamentation
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December 19, 2022

I set a rule for my list: "When a card is added to list, sort the list by title descending"

It works alphabetically, but I have things numbered 1-10 and it doesn't seem to understand that 10 is the largest number and 1 is the smallest, so it puts them next to each other... 

Right now it is currently sorted 9, 8. 7, 6, 3, 10, 1.

Any advice on how I could sort it so it will order the things like 10, 9, 8, 7, etc. descending?

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Felipe Marques Noll
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 21, 2022

Hi Freye! Welcome to the Community.

I'm Felipe, nice to meet you :)

As you reported Butler alphabetically sorts the title from left to right. If you add the numeral "0" before the numbers 1 to 9, it will sort as you want. I'll let an image example below and a video of Butler working in this example here: (


I wish you nice holidays :D


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