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BUG: Date hotkey D always opens calendar for card, not checklist item & can't save dates with Enter

Sam September 28, 2024

For the past week the Enter key for saving new dates for cards/checklist items stopped working normally.

Previously, I could open the date picker (calendar) for a card or a checklist item - either with the D key or by clicking - select a date with a mouse cursor, and hit Enter to save a new Start date/Due date.

Now the Enter key doesn't save anything, seemingly because the focusing element switches to something else. So I have to constantly Tab before Enter would work again. This is annoying and slows down the process of working with multiple cards.

Other than that, for the past few days whenever I hover over a checklist item and press D to open its date picker (calendar), it opens calendar for the whole card. Which is even more frustrating and time-consuming when working with checklist items.


Does anybody else experience those issues in Trello Web, esp. on Chrome/Mozilla?

Reported the 1st as a bug:
If you have it, you should click on "Affected customers"/"Watchers" after logging in.

A workaround for the 2nd would be much appreciated, since the team seems to be stuck investigating. 

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