Not long now until the holidays! Loving all the amazing Trello “hacks” shared here over the past few weeks 😍 just a reminder you can see a summary of all the holiday calendar posts here.
Today, we’re going to be looking at board cards, and how to use them in a way to organize your Trello. Board cards are a type of card that gives you a visual preview of a card, and when clicking that card, it’ll take you straight to the board. Simply create a new card and paste a board URL into the title, and it’ll be turned into a board card. In this example, we’ll be looking at creating a dedicated board that contains lots of board cards.
Do you work across a lot of boards, and sometimes find it hard to navigate to your most important boards, or get a bit lost in the sea of boards? Creating a board directory to organize your boards is a great way to easily see at a glance all the boards, or a few important ones in one view, and organized into lists that make sense for you.
Here’s an example of a board that is acting as a personal dashboard, pulling in all the main boards that I work across, organized by board type.
We could then turn this board into a sort of home page, or landing page that we default to when launching Trello. If you’re using the Trello desktop app, you can set the board to your default board, or simply favorite the board to easily navigate to it. That way, when launching Trello, we’ll be greeted with our nicely laid out dashboard, and can then navigate to the board we need to jump in first.
From here, can then customize it to contain other important information that you need to be tracking. For example, if it’s a personal dashboard, you might want to automatically sync your cards that are due this week using Unito or create reports using Dashcards to keep track of important metrics. If it’s a team-level dashboard, you can then consolidate information important at the team level.
There are so many useful ways you can use board cards. Another idea is to create a project overview board and add board cards linking to all the projects that are ongoing in your company, organized in lists that represent the project status. Or a company directory linking to all the different department boards, and so on! 🌟
Do you use board cards? If so, how do you use them? If not, did this give you any ideas of how you could use board cards in your own Trello workspace?
Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
Trello Consultant | Simpla Workflows
Simpla Workflows
New Zealand
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