So Much Love for the New Trello Board Templates

When Trello recently hit the 50 Million user milestone a few new features were added including Board Templates. I was always a huge fan of the Inspiration boards, but glad to see these are now one click away built right within Trello for easy access.


I was also thrilled to see these were all new template boards, not just the inspiration boards transferred over. I found two templates in particular that I am going to try out right away. 

The first is from Dom Price called the "4 Ls Exercise" - how to be the best version of you. 


Step 6 is my favourite "In the "Actions" column, make a plan to remove LOATHED, add LONGED FOR, amplify LOVED and share LEARNT over the next 3 months." For more guided instructions visit The Atlassian 4Ls Playbook.

template board.png

What a unique way to dissect, analyze and improve your life in 3 month segments.


The second template board that I want to try is the "8 Creative Habits" by Cherry Jeffs:


It explains the  8 Habits of Creative Practice - can't wait to start using this template right away, especially with 2020 just around the corner - starting the new year off right forming and implementing new habits.

habit board.png

I would love to hear what you think of the new Trello Board Templates and which ones you have used or plan to use in the future. Such an incredible feature - learning from others using their own tried and true practice.



Deepanshu Natani
Community Leader
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November 19, 2019

I have just started using the template "Book Clubs" and found it to be really useful.

Me and few friends of mine have created a small book club and we have started entering the books that we will be reading in next year (from January 2020).

Using the Voting Power-up to decide which book the club will read next is a really useful feature for us.

With our book club now being setup, I hope to read at least a dozen books in the next year (have read just 6 books in this year till now).

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Jodi LeBlanc
Rising Star
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November 19, 2019

Wow that is so great to hear @Deepanshu Natani - I will need to check out the book club template. What a great way to increase your reading over the year. Thanks for sharing!

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