This is the first in a series of articles on how you can use some of the Trello API right inside Trello automation to enhance your automation further. This includes:
Are there any frustrations you have with Trello automation that you wish you could fix?
Put suggestions in the comments I will try to address them with a simple API solution.
Simply follow this guide and copy and paste my commands!
Copy both the API key and Token to a safe place, you will need them later...
Step 2 - Automate linking the cards
I am not going to go into too much detail about how to do this this but you can follow the guide linked below
and use this common automation:
when a card is added to list "List A", copy the card to the top of list "List B" and link the cards together
That is all it takes to start creating linked cards...On to the next step
1) Set up the automation trigger
2) Set up the API put
API String
Copy this string into the url box, swapping the bold text with your API key and Token respectively{cardid}?key=replace_this_text_with_your_APIkey&token=r
Copy this exactly as it is and paste into the payload box
{"due": "{triggercardduedate}"}
Full Automation (for reference)
when a the due date is set in a card in list "List A", find the first card linked in attachments and put put to url "{cardid}?key=replace_this_text_with_your_APIkey&token=replace_this_text_with_your_token" with payload "{\"due\": \"{triggercardduedate}\"}"
Dreamsuite Mike
Trello Expert and Business Systems Consultant
All over the world
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