I finally did it π I wrote a book about Trello!
If you know me, you're probably not surprised by this.
If you are surprised, then let me introduce myself... π I'm Trello's #1 fan, a Community Leader, previous Trello Events leader, and Trello Influencer. I have a weekly newsletter where I write about Trello tips and tricks and a YouTube channel where I make content showing how to do all sorts of cool and useful things in Trello (I'm most proud of my automated meal planning process... Trello does pretty much everything but cook the meal for me.)
And I hang out here and answer questions and try to help people figure out how to do just about anything they can imagine with Trello! (Although I've been quiet for the last couple of months while writing a book lately, thank you all for your patience!)
I'm hosting a virtual launch party on August 18th at 8:30 AM CST/9:30 AM EST!
I'll be answering questions about Trello, talking about what it's like writing a book, and maybe even doing a reading if folks are interested in that π.
Want to join? Copy this link to add it to your calendar! (Zoom link included in the calendar invite!!) If that doesn't work - just add your email here and I'll make sure you're included!
Because I can't clone myself! (Yet).
In all seriousness, there are a lot of common questions that I see folks asking about Trello, and I love consulting and connecting with folks and even making videos, but I can only do so much, and I can't clone myself quite yet to help everyone use Trello.
Documenting a good bit of my Trello knowledge into a single place that provides a learning guide and path for folks who want to learn Trello made the most sense.
Plus, Packt has been reaching out to me about it, and I felt pretty honored to be seen as an expert and asked to write this!
This epic book is the ultimate guide to the magnificent powers of Trello! Whether you're a Trello newbie or a seasoned pro seeking supernatural abilities, there's something for everyone here. It's perfect for professionals, project wizards, entrepreneurial superheroes, students, and anyone on a quest for productivity perfection. No matter your company or role, this book will transform you into a Trello legend, armed with mind-blowing tips and strategies to conquer chaos, collaborate like a boss, and effortlessly achieve greatness!
This book has three parts, with about 5 chapters in each part, so we really dive deep into things.
1. Trello Foundations (Core components, views, use cases, templates)
2. Automation (All the automation, with specific recipes and scenarios to use them)
3. Power-Ups (Trello Made ones, best general use case ones, syncing ones, and reporting ones!)
I've been encouraging folks that they don't have to read the whole thing at once. It's great for skimming through when you first get it, and it's meant to be more of a book you keep "forever" and reference what you need as you need it!
I'm pretty lucky to have a lot of amazing folks in my corner helping me out. Most notably, my partner, who has really held down the fort for us this year when a lot of my non-job time went to writing, but also had some help from folks here in the community, and I'd like to give them a special shout-out!
Andy agreed to be one of my technical reviewers, and I'm not sure he knew what he was getting into when he started π Andy is someone I've met through the community and finally got to meet in person this year at Team'23. Although it hardly felt like the first time I met him in person... it felt like reuniting with an old friend! Andy shares my love for Trello and I've enjoyed nerding out about different workflows and tips and tricks, and he's even shown me a thing or two in Confluence! (Andy, maybe you write the next book on Confluence?) He spent so much time reading my chapters, dealing with my writing that I like to think improved a bit over 14 chapters but was still not the easiest to parse through, and he provided such great feedback, all for fun! Like this was a side project for him... he didn't get an advance or royalties!
Another fellow community member and founder of Blue Cat Reports (and other awesome Power-Ups like Forms and Import)... Robin Warren was another technical reviewer of mine! I can't even remember how we first met, but I feel like as long as I can remember, Robin and I have been chatting about Trello and Power-Ups and marketing. I created a community of Power-Up developers a couple of years ago, and Robin has been one of the most consistent participants in that community and has always been very supportive of helping me grow in my Trello journey. He helped sponsor my platform fees when I wanted to host a course on Podia- so when I say he's been supportive, he's literally been supportive! Thanks, Robin, for helping, reading everything, and providing feedback. I hope many more folks learn about your useful Power-Ups that have made Trello even better.
Although she's no longer at Trello (I'm still crying π), Moonie was another one of my technical reviewers who poured her heart and soul into reviewing my content! Thanks for always fighting for the Trello way and all the time you spent helping Trello remain Trello. And thanks for having a full-time job working with Trello, and then still agreeing to talk more Trello on the side.
Although I only had three official technical reviewers, many other folks reviewed content and helped provide feedback about specific Power-Ups to ensure I wrote the most accurate information and it was clear to folks! Thanks to @Allen -Amazing PowerUps- for checking the section about Amazing Fields, Alex with Bulk Actions, and Nick Bouchard with Unito, and @[deleted] with Placker, and Sami with Screenful.
^ If you need good Pup recommendations for Trello, well, there you go.
And thanks to everyone in the community who has always been so supportive of my Trello journey! (Lookin at you @Jimmy Seddon and @Dreamsuite Mike and @Nikki Zavadska _Appfire_ and @Rodney Nissen and @Biro and many others...) As well as the Atlassian CommuniTEAM supporting me along the way.... @Monique vdB and @cassieACE and @Stephanie Grice and the whole crew!!)
Okay, I will conclude this love letter to the community with a link to this magnificent book, in case anyone would like to pre-order. :) Print copy will be released on August 11th, so you don't even have to wait long! You know where to find me if you have any questions! I'll see you around and look forward to having more free time to answer your questions here!
Brittany Joiner
Trello Nerd & Author of Supercharging Productivity w/ Trello
Baton Rouge, Lousiana, USA
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