If you're not already on the Beta Testing App on iOS, you can get there by going into your account settings and tapping on "Be a Beta Tester". When you first do this, you'll go to a page to install TestFlight, once installed, however, you'll go to the page to actually sign up for the Trello Beta Testing program.
I did this on a whim today and found a really exciting new feature I've been waiting for: the ability to switch between accounts.
I think this move comes as more and more people have had to split a "personal" and "work" Trello account as a result of the transition to using Atlassian. For me, I have dozens of "bot" accounts I manage for my clients, and not being able to quickly jump into that account to see their boards from my iOS devices has always been a hassle (for example my clients tag their bot user in a comment to get support, but I'm not a member of all those boards from my personal account so I can't see the context of the query until I get back to my computer).
I tested this out and it works really well. You will receive notifications for all the accounts you have logged in, regardless of which account was "last active" which is awesome for when you have a "personal vs work" setup however in my case I already have automations to centralise notifications using BenkoBoard and BenkoBot so I would like to see the ability to mute notifications from certain accounts.
I also noticed that switching back and forth between accounts eventually results in the app hanging on the "Please wait while we do some housekeeping" message, and I had to swipe up to kill the app.
The only other thing I found a minor inconvenience was that there was no indication from within a board view as to which account I was currently using, so in order to see which account was active I had to exit the board so I could see my account avatar. That's probably not a big deal for most people though, as using this from 2 accounts that are the members of the same boards like I do is an unlikely use case.
I submitted all this feedback to the Trello team via the TestFlight feedback submission tool -- if you're not already a Beta Tester I recommend it! Getting early access to features and being able to give feedback on them is a way not only to help the Trello dev team but also to get your feedback listened to earlier in the process :)
Even if you don't want to be a Beta Tester long term, just the ability to switch accounts now might be enough to warrant trying it out!!
Iain Dooley
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