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Enhance Your Approvals Workflow with an Integrated Web Portal

In the dynamic Trello community, we know how vital a streamlined approval process is for your projects. Whether you're dealing with invoices, budget approvals, blog post releases, or marketing initiatives, the efficiency of these processes is key. Manual handling can lead to delays and decreased productivity, especially if there are non-Trello clients involved, which is where Hipporello's Advanced Approvals Power-Up steps in to enhance your Trello experience.

Maximizing Trello with the Advanced Approvals Power-Up - with an integrated web portal

Our latest enhancements to the Advanced Approvals Power-Up are specifically designed based on feedback from Trello users like you: Now, you can:

  • Request and grant approvals effortlessly within Trello.

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  • Extend the approval process to non-Trello users via an integrated web portal, fostering broader collaboration.
  • Ask for a second approval for completed approvals for better decision-making accuracy.

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Why Integrate Advanced Approvals in Your Trello Workflow?

  • Increased Productivity: Streamline approval requests and minimize redundant steps.
  • Clearer Communication: Eliminate the risk of missing or overlooking important requests.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Keep everything efficient and accessible within Trello.
  • Collaboration Beyond Borders: Involve both Trello and non-Trello users in your projects.
  • Control and Accuracy: Gain the ability to re-evaluate decisions for optimum results.

Combining Trello with the Advanced Approvals Power-Up not only multiplies your capabilities but also integrates seamlessly with your current workflow:

  • Inclusive Collaboration: Involve all relevant stakeholders, regardless of whether they are on Trello.
  • One-Click Requests: Replace cumbersome paperwork with a single click in Trello.
  • Visual Progress Tracking: Leverage Trello’s Kanban view for real-time monitoring and transparency. 


With this Power-Up, you’re not just optimizing your Trello boards; you're expanding your collaborative horizons and ensuring top-notch efficiency and satisfaction in your workflows.

Any questions? Write in the comments or reach out to us through our website

1 comment

Dreamsuite Mike
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
November 29, 2023

Great article @Çiğdem Büyükaşik 

Client facing capability is one of the top requests I get so this is an excellent solution

Like Çiğdem Büyükaşik likes this


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