Chat about new Trello features in the next Trello Trailblazers event!

You might have seen some new updates in Trello lately, such as the ability to add Jira issues to your board (heya Jiramigos, welcome to the dark side), and card mirroring, so you can see your card in multiple places without having to build all sorts of automation. 

@Dreamsuite Mike and I were so excited about them, we connected with some of the Trello folks to put on an event to chat about them!

Trello Trailblazers - Bevy Event Banners  (1080 x 1080 px) (YouTube Thumbnail) (3).png

Join us on Feb 4th for this free community event. We'll show you how to use these features, and answer any questions you might have. Also, this is a great way to connect with the Trello team and share feedback for more things you'd like to see in Trello!

If you want to join, save your spot so you'll get a link to join. Don't worry, if you can't make it live, the recording will be sent out afterwards. 

Comment on this post with any questions or ideas you'd like us to talk about and we will get through as many as we can! šŸ«”



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