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Issue restriction for team managed projects

Sebastian Vanauer March 15, 2023

Dear Community, 

my colleague and I are working on the APC-120 and now we are a little bit confused about the topic issue restriction.

In the e-learning they were talking about issue restriction in team managed projects but we couldn't find this option. 

Do you know where to find this option or do we need to configure this option? 

Best Regards

Sebastian Vanauer 2023-03-15 12_02_06-ISTOS - Budgetprojekt - Issue types - Jira.png


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Dave Mathijs
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March 15, 2023

Hi @Sebastian Vanauer 

Issue security is for company-managed projects.

Within team-managed projects, permissions are restricted to team-managed project permissions

  • The project's access level
    • Open
    • Limited
    • Private
  • The role in the project:
    • Viewer
    • Member
    • Administrator
Sebastian Vanauer March 15, 2023

Hi Dave, 

thank you for your answer but I didn't ask about issue security :)  

In ACP 120 I have this section:

Restrictions can be set at the issue type level and on specific issues, in team-managed Jira Software projects. 

And actually I guess I found the solution. 

I have two team managed projects: 

1. A business project --> theres no issues restriction screen 1

2. A software project --> there is a issue restriction screen 2

And when I read my highlighted text in another way it makes sence for me too screen 1.pngscreen 2.png:D 

Thank you very much I guess I got my solution.

Best Regards

Sebastian Vanauer

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Dave Mathijs
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March 15, 2023

Your solution triggered me as this means I was wrong and to be honest, I'm still confused.

Team-managed projects are just not my cup of tea. 🍵

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Sebastian Vanauer March 15, 2023

yeah me too, I know about company managed projects but not team managed :D

But you helped me to find a solution and this is great for me :) 

Dave Mathijs
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March 15, 2023

Thanks to click the green Accept answer button if that's the case.

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