In my two previous articles about ACP Exam materials and ACP Preparation I shared with you information where you can find free Atlassian ACP exam preparation materials and what you can do to prepare for the Atlassian ACP exam. In this article I would like to share with you my proven techniques and strategies which you can use during the the Atlassian ACP exam. Some of them may be obvious for you but others may be a little surprising.
During this day do not study any more. There is nothing more you can learn. You cannot cancel your exam because you will loose the exam fee. This is it - tomorrow you are going to the exam center and pass it (hopefully) on your first try. I know that anxiety cannot be entirely eliminated (from my experience). But if you followed the preparation plan then you know that you ARE PREPARED and this getting prepared in a systematic way is the best what you can do to minimise the test anxiety. Get a good amount of sleep the night before the test and be positive.
You probably have read in other articles about arriving early, not drinking too much water before the exam etc. That is all true. Add to that list my secret tip: bring your own ear-plugs. At the examination center they usually provide you with some ear-plugs but get yourself the ones which you have tested on yourself. This is very important to be focused during the exam. Stopping the external noises (like coughing of other test takers) helped me a lot to concentrate.
Scrap paper and a pencil are permitted on your table during the exam (at least when you are in the exam center). You will get them from the exam center reception. Do not waive this permission. Here is what I do with the paper during the exam. I divide the paper on three columns: SURE | MAYBE | NO CLUE. When I answer the questions, I note down their number on my scrap paper in one of these three columns. When all the questions are answered (or not), I review in the first place the questions from column NO CLUE, then from MAYBE and then (if I have some time left) from the SURE column. This helps a lot with the exam time management.
Thank you for reading the article about how to survive the ACP exam. If you found my tips helpful please share the article with your fellow Jira administrators and help them survive their Atlassian ACP exam.
PS.Additionally, you can watch my short ACP preparation series on YouTube.
Bogdan Gorka
Atlassian Expert
Poznan, Poland
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