Instructor Led Training Labs and One Atlassian

We appreciate your patience in dealing with the change to One Atlassian sites for ILT labs.  We are still working on delivering sites to you and students without causing you extra work.

We currently assign the students to their individual sites and let Atlassian automatically send the invitation to the students.  Several of you have let us know that the procedure has some issues.
  • Some students thought the email was spam because of the bot email address and didn't know where the email was on class day. 
  • A few students accessed their site before the class and subsequently had lab issues. 
  • Several of you have also had to exchange sites with students who didn't show up for new students who weren't originally on your request.


 We are changing the procedure to the following:
  • Request your sites the same way you have been and still supply the list of students. 
  • We will provision the necessary number of sites for your class and assign your students to them. 
  • We won't have Atlassian send the invite email. 
  • You will still have the spreadsheet with your students and their site assignments. 
  • You will use that to send the links to your students.  You can do that whenever works for you.  You can also remove a student from a site and assign a new student to that site. 


If you have any comments or questions, please post them here or email me at


Jay Jarman




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