Hi Everyone,
I thought I would share some insights on how to prepare for the Atlassian Online Proctored Exams via PSI. I have 5+ years of experience as a Jira Sys Admin and I just completed ACP-610, ACP-620 and ACP-420.
Before you start your exam
- Make sure you login 30 minutes prior to the start of the exam. The sign in process can take a long time and you have to wait for the proctor to review videos and IDs. In my experience it took approximately 20-30 minutes from the time I started the signup process until I got approved to start the exam.
- If you don't have the PSI software, you will be asked to install it. Make sure that you are on a personal laptop. On my first exam I used my work laptop and there are so many corporate apps running on the background that the PSI software will not allow you to start the exam.
- Make sure that you have a clean room and clean desk. You will have to take a video clip of your room and your desk. On my first try I had a lot of papers and books and they wouldn't allow me to start the exam until I clean up the desk and room completely.
- Bring a glass/bottle water and you will be asked to show them that there are no labels anywhere via video.
- Make sure that you take a bio break before you start. You are not allowed to leave the room.
While you are writing the exam
- Don't read out loud the questions. You will be warned by the proctor.
- Don't cover your mouth. You will be warned by the proctor.
- Ensure that your door is locked. My kids went inside the room once and they were seen on camera. The proctor warned me to lock the door and that they leave immediately or they would terminate the exam.
Questions on the exam
- The questions were very similar to the questions in the prep classes from the Atlassian University. I would spend the extra $50 to review the documentation/videos.
- Make sure you eliminate the wrong answers. The hard ones are the ones that require you to choose the best 2 or 3 options out of 5-6 options.
- The exams were 3hrs long, but it took me just about 2 hrs and I was able to review the questions that I had flagged.
- At the end of the exam you will see a breakdown of how you performed on each of the major categories
I hope this info helps and Good Luck.