Dear Group members,
Don't we have upvoting feature in Teamwork Lab group? eg: If I like an answer to a question and want to upvote it, i am unable to do so in this group. Is this just only me or everyone else ?
I am editing my response @Kishan Sharma .
I think the upvoting feature is available for responses if the original post is question and responses posted to it.
The current one is a discussion and not a question so it's not there.
I presume you can check with other posts in this Teamwork Lab group and confirm the same.
Thank you @Suvradip Paul for taking a look. This was one of my question, earlier I couldn't see the Votes button, but i can see it now ;) do you believe in magic ?
Glad to hear @Kishan Sharma it's working now. I checked while I posted my last response and it was fine so it might have been already sorted.
In your question in teamwork lab group, I can upvote
most other threads are discussions, the you cannot upvote answers
Thank you @Alexander Pappert I just replied Suvradip about it, I raised this here because I couldn't see votes button on my question earlier, but now i can see it, seems like someone has a magic wand :-)
Haven't looked into the specifics of your linked thread, but just wanted to throw in some background and a case we see from time to time.
Thank you @Daniel Eads for the background. Seems like for me it was a cache issue for one of my question that i asked.
Same thing here, but I think it's because they are discussions, and not questions.
It doesn't appear to me either, I'm in the same situation
As commented by Daniel earlier, doing hard refresh helped in my case. May be you can try the same and see if that works for you.
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