We need some help about disruptive thinking play

Merve Tuncer
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February 19, 2019


We have same issue about disruptive thinking play. Should we forget about the previous one when we use a second disruptive card?
Do we aim to select cards like going to a point? Or is it better to choose irrelevant ones to support looking at from another perspective?

As a volunteer to apply your suggestions to our daily operations, we are waiting for your answer immediately...

Thank you,

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Fernando Bordallo
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 11, 2020

Hello @Merve Tuncer

There is no one single way of running this play. Every iteration will change how the team plays out its role and follows the guidelines. I would recommend you don't overthink the order or try to enforce 'forgetting' cards. Try it, make sure you have a 5-minute conversation at the end of your session to quickly retro how it went and make some notes for the next session to iterate on. 👍

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