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Practical approaches for more effective teamwork

Chris Boys September 3, 2024

Enough said. Thank you @SethGodin.

Here's the trick: instead of scanning the list and seeing which most relate to team mates NOT doing, how about a reframe, and ask yourself which aspects you may need to level up on for yourself.

Feeling really brave? Ask your team which aspects they collectively think they're lagging on and want to focus improving.

Name the period to focus on it.

Agree how you'll call out when it's not being done.


Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 8.02.15 pm.png




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Sandra Franchetto September 3, 2024

Appreciate different people have different communication styles.  Listen and look at how each person expresses themselves . 

Take time to encourage those team members that feel more self-conscious or are less likely to speak up out of fear of others' opinions. 

Listen to others' perspectives before having an opinion.  Differing opinions doesn't mean someone has to be wrong and someone has to be right.  How do you mesh and combine the best elements of both so both party feels they have contributed.


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Chris Boys September 3, 2024

Love this @Sandra Franchetto Suspend judgement, and hold the space for everyone!

Sandra Franchetto September 3, 2024

Thank you @Chris Boys My whole business is teaching concepts like this. No judgement means consider things from someone else's perspective because the amount of times I have read something and someone tells me 'you've read that wrong' I always say 'no I haven't this is my interpretation of what that reads'. Response is always  'I never thought of it that way'. That's OK, just call me ALF (for anyone around in the 80s) because I never think like others but be careful getting stuck in my big crazy head cause it might 🤯 If I had a dollar for every time someone said 'you're judging me and thinking I can't do my job properly' and I've said 'alas relax you want to know what I'm thinking about? How the Storm played'. 🤣 How boring and uncolourful would life be if we all thought the same. 🙃

Michael Kerr September 19, 2024

Great information. This emphasizes one of the values of Agile Manifesto: Individuals & Interactions over process and tools.  Building a team is vital to agile. 

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