As many of know, the Atlassian Community is a treasure trove of content, filled with creative articles, helpful tips, technical knowledge, and discussions filled with humanity beyond the products.
I don't know about you, but comments and likes on content gives me warm fuzzies and reminds me of the humanity beyond our online community and products. What if reading and liking that content could help us do something beyond that?
This month, it can! To support Likes for Trees, we want to hear what your favorite content has been. We're planting one tree for each Like on a piece of Community content.
Share an article for members to like in the comments, and help us plant more trees! Each Like on a comment and on each post plants a tree.
Yes, it could really be this easy:
Get some inspiration on what to share:
Surface your favorite articles by linking them in the comments.👇🏼 You could share one post per comment to maximize your Likes. Share one or share 10 to plant more trees, or tag the author to give them a compliment!
Like each comment and the post linked. You'll also receive one of our special, limited-edition badges for each Like you give, so your profile could contain this x 1000.
We can't wait to read and Like your favorite pieces!
I loved this past Friday Fun,
What to visit at Carcassonne & arround (South of France), where @Rémi BERNIÈRES shared a bunch of beautiful photos!!
I was in the south of France last month and wished we had time to stop by, but bookmarked it for a future trip 💙
This is definitely something I'll be bookmarking for the next time I'm in France. This is awesome. Thank you!
I love today's Miscellaneous Monday with all the pictures of trees . Yes, more trees! It's tree-ception over here today.
This is a Friday Fun that I think really pulled me further into the community and introduced me to the talented powerhouse @Laura Holton _ACE Rotterdam_. It gave me a glimpse into the spectrum of lives we all lead in the Atlassian Community.
Friday Fun: Our Friday Evening Traditions
(and this post reminded me I still have to reply to another post from Laura that is on my Trello follow-up board for too long).
That is a gem @Andy Gladstone ! Wonderful thread @Laura Holton _ACE Rotterdam_ 👏🏼
Thanks for the shoutout @Andy Gladstone, I had even more fun re-reading it than I did writing it (I didn't know that was even possible!) It was great to see so many of the Community get involved 😄
Bonus that it now gets to help plant some trees too 🥳
This article and the amount of likes it generated in almost no time. A tree should be planted for this.
Unlimited Likes for Trees for Community Leaders
Thanks @Monique vdB
Likes made for likes about likes!
I like it if it plants a tree.
Big fan of @Jaime Netzer's article series about how to build your agile mindset.
The Atlassian Community is all about sharing knowledge and this series does a wonderful job providing A) applicable tips for agile newcomers, and B) encouraging everyone to share their own knowledge with the community. Great work, Jaime! Keep them coming!
@Andrew DeBell ooh good one, Jamie's series has been fabulous!
Love this, wonderful work @Jaime Netzer !!!
I'm with @Monique vdB and I loved Miscellaneous Monday Seeing the forest for the trees as I also love trees. I loved posting on that discussion and seeing all the comments and I love all the pics of the different kinds of trees.
I loved this too, @Summer Hogan !!!
thanks @Vincent Mann !!
This is still a great post for Git Best Practices by @Sandesh Shetty ! Commit often with good commit messages. 💯 We have similar feelings at GitKraken and have our own article on best practices for writing Git commit messages.
"Like for trees" is a great initiative. All of us are proud to be part of Atlassian family for these type of initiatives.
great initiative @Sharon Tan
We need more trees! More trees everywhere! This was (still is?) a great initiative!
Great !
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