No matter how old you are - there's always something new to learn.
I've been working with the Atlassian products a LONG time (2006) 99% of the time on the server/data center platform, and now 1% cloud and yet there is always something new to learn.
When someone asks me how I know so much, I always answer that I don't know anything. I have found if i go into a situation, assuming nothing, then i always come out having learned something. Even if it's confirmation, cementing something I already knew.
@Dana M_ Jansen I believe that is what makes life so great. We all have the opportunity to learn in everything we do. Being a better neighbor, friend, parent, work colleague, employee, etc. is what makes us grow. Technology has made it so easy to learn if you want to. Glad Atlassian has a great community for learning.
Hear hear! I especially like your last line, @Dana M_ Jansen, because team dynamics, landscape, and tools change all the time. So just because you feel confident in something from before doesn't mean that confidence level should remain without continued reinforcement.
Great topic @Dana M_ Jansen!
Continuous learning is extremely important to me, and working for an organization that encourages continuous learning. Especially working in the technology field, if you aren't constantly keeping up to date with the new things coming out, you are falling behind.
I agree with your stance on things as well, assume you don't know anything and figure out what you actually know as confirmation.
I know what I know, and I don't know what I don't know. When starting something and you become a but proficient, you think, yeah, I'm okay at this. And then you meet those who are really, really good at the thing. 10,000 hours study seems to be the accepted amount of time to become an expert in something.
@Dana M_ Jansen This is my answer: I know a lot, but I still have more to learn. In Italian I usually said: Io so tante cose, ma ne devo ancora imparare.....
Life is an ongoing examination and every time we are called upon to solve a problem, it is just one step that will lead us to the next problem.
That is why you always learn, you learn from everything.
Don't stop learning. Whether it's for something that your good at, bad at, or otherwise.
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