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A new way to foster more psychological safety in your team

Chris Boys August 12, 2024

“God he loves the sound of his own voice; just doesn’t shut-up!”
“Why bother saying it? They won’t listen anyway.”
“They won’t do anything about it. I’ll just shut up, get it done and get on with what I’d rather be doing.”

How well are we fostering communication, online and offline?  Are one or two people dominating? Does the predominant team language hold others who aren’t as proficient back?

Offline interactions can be a little easier.  We can gauge energy and behaviour in situ.

Online, asynchronously, remote, distributed can be harder. 

Having the courage to call it out is another story.

I’ve seen it time and time again, in my own team and witnessing others.  I know I just lose so much when I don’t have the participation and engagement of everyone.  Why would they be part of the ‘team’ otherwise?

At Umano, we believe that creating a psychologically safe space within teams is crucial for success. When team members feel genuinely safe and comfortable, they contribute more effectively and meaningfully.


Our approach emphasizes balanced communication - ensuring that every contribution is valued, and that all team members understand the equilibrium in effort and input. This balance is essential not just for being heard, but for fostering an environment where every opinion and experience is respected.

By focusing on Communication Balance, we empower teams to thrive, build trust, and collaborate more effectively. At Umano, we’re dedicated to helping teams achieve this, leading to better outcomes and stronger connections.

 Let’s continue to create spaces where communication empowers, supports, and brings out the best in everyone. 💪🌟


 #PsychologicalSafety #Communication #Collaboration #umanotech



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John Funk
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August 13, 2024

Just being a good listener and acknowledging people goes a long way. 

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Chris Boys August 13, 2024

Completely agree @John Funk!  It's the pre-eminent skill of them all. 

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Ncumisa Booi August 29, 2024

Listen to understand and stay positive always....nothing piece of humor wont achieve.


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