I am constantly running projects that consist of large teams constructed from individuals from many different departments. Understanding roles and responsibilities are important to ensure that the team works well together without anything falling through the gaps.
We recently kicked off a new project and after a couple of weeks in, we noticed that we had some gaps. So we pulled everyone together to run this play and reconstruct our roles and responsibilities. Before the meeting we had everyone review current roles and responsibilities and identify gaps.
During the play, we review current roles and added additional roles. We made some adjustments to the original roles to simplify things as well. We then identified the responsibilities of everyone on the team and the responsibilities of the roles. We review the gaps to ensure that they had been filled and summarized the changes.
As a follow-up, I documented the updated information in Confluence and sent it out to the team for review. Everything is coming together now by simply having our 1-hour exercise. I am sure it will pay dividends as the project moves forward.
Brant Schroeder