After the feedback I got on my previous game related post about Pandemic I wanted to share another awesome team building game with you.
Today I want to talk about Dixit (and it's expansions).
"A picture is worth a thousand words!"
The idea behind Dixit is simple: each player has a set of cards (each of them little masterpieces) and when it's your turn you take one of your cards (don't show it!) and describe it to everyone with a single word. Everyone else now has to pull a card out of their hand that could be described by the word you used.
Once you have all the cards you shuffle them and then turn them face up on the table next to each other. It's now up to the others to figure out which card was yours. You'll score points if they figure it out...
But, there is a catch: if nobody selects your card you don't score any points, and if everyone selects your card you also don't score any points. But if some people select your card, and some select other cards both you and the owner of the other selected card will receive points.
For me this game is all about understanding how the other players think. You need to learn about their thinking patterns to correctly guess who will be able to pick your card and who won't.
I believe this to be a great (and beautiful) card game that is a great and fun way as team members to better understand how each of you think. Especially if you explain why you selected a certain word to describe a certain card, and your team members explain their thought process.
What do you think?
Peter Van de Voorde
Marketplace Partner Service Provider
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