task should display in dashboard from created date to due date

ganesh malotu August 25, 2020

i have created one task

i udpated its impact start date and impact end date

i want this task to be displayed in  dashboard for  5 days


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Daniel Eads
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 31, 2020

Hi Ganesh,

With Team Calendars, a few different display options are available.

First, on the system dashboard in Confluence, the right-side panel should have a Calendar section that you can expand:


On individual Confluence pages, you can use the Team Calendar macro which has a few different display options. The Timeline view in particular might be useful to see start/end dates for events:


If you're looking to do something different or add the calendar to another place, additional description of what you're aiming for would be helpful. A screenshot of what you're seeing with notes on where the calendar is missing or needs to look different would be of assistance.

Daniel | Atlassian Support

ganesh malotu September 1, 2020


Thanks for Responding 


Am looking same in dashboard 


Example :  one task is created on 3rd and ended on 7th 

so in dashboard  it should display from 3 to 7 


This is what am looking

may be we can do it my impact window start date to end date

or created date to due date filters


can  you plz tell me how to get this




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