User does not have the ability to stop watching a calendar

Guy L Winterbotham
May 23, 2013

One user is not able to unwatch a calendar to avoid geting all the notifications. They have also removed all checks against email notifications in theor profile with no change.

In place of the usual "Watch" "Stop Watching" options is just "Watching"

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Miranda Rawson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 26, 2013

Hi Guy,

It sounds to me like the user is encountering this - Can you verify if the user is watching a page that embeds the calendar? In order to stop "Watching" the calendar entirely, he will need to "Stop Watching" the page where it is embedded.



Bill Rudy
June 27, 2018

It appears you need to stop watching any parent page as well; at least that is what did the trick for me....I was watching the embedded page, unwatched it, and still couldn't stop watching at the source.  I unwatched the parent page and viola. 

Derek Evans
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 6, 2019

Thanks, Miranda, this solved it for me... 6 years later and we still don't have a more intuitive solution? 

0 votes
Anne Barhyte December 18, 2014

I have the same problem.

0 votes
Guy L Winterbotham
May 26, 2013

This sounds like exactly what is happening.

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