Teams calendar on Confluence page is not correctly imported for Web Outlook

Alex Kiselev _Itransition_
December 8, 2022

Hi Comunity.


Could you help please:

on Confluence server 7.13.7

Team Calendars 7.1.5


we have bumped with the situation:

the same team calendar from the Confluence page is correctly imported on Desktop Outlook (events are displayed), but not correctly on Web Outlook - events are not displayed.


Could you tell if it's a known situation?


Thank you!

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Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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April 17, 2023

@Alex Kiselev _Itransition_ Are you still having this issue?  Have you tried subscribing to the Confluence calendar in web outlook?

Alex Kiselev _Itransition_
April 27, 2023

Hi Brant,

Actually we found the reason which is simple - Confluence is available only when company VPN connected.

Thank you.

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