Is it possible to set hours for an event ?

Olivier Albertini
December 9, 2014

We want to put our scheduling meetings in team calendar but It's not a day, just 1 or 2 hours, can we do that ?
Other question : Can you put an order to events ? If we can't set an hour for each event, we need to set an order in order to know which event comes first...

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Paula Silveira
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 9, 2014

Hi Olivier,

While creating the event, if you uncheck "All day event", you'll see the fields to set the time of the event.

Thanks and regards,
Paula Silveira

Olivier Albertini
December 9, 2014

OMG Thx ! I never see it ! Can we set the time when we set a JIRA Issue Event ? If yes how ?  

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